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Government shutdown would spare essential services

11:39 AM, Apr. 7, 2011
The federal government?s partial shutdown because of a budget standoff would 
affect a wide range of offices and employees. Postal service, such as this delivery on Ninth Ter­
race in Cocoa Beach, is not among the services to be affected.
The federal government?s partial shutdown because of a budget standoff would affect a wide range of offices and employees. Postal service, such as this delivery on Ninth Ter­ race in Cocoa Beach, is not among the services to be affected.
  • Filed Under

A partial shutdown of the federal government would close national parks and delay tax refunds, but the potential impact remains uncertain for many functions, including preparing for NASA's next space shuttle launch.

A shutdown will take effect at midnight Friday unless congressional Democrats and Republicans reach a deal on how much to spend in the remaining months of fiscal 2011.

Without a compromise, or another temporary stopgap spending measure, an estimated 800,000 workers nationwide could be furloughed. ...

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