Economic Updates: Thailand

Thailand looking to power up

Thailand | 30 Apr 2014
Thailand looking to power up

A return to economic growth in Thailand is expected to drive greater demand for electricity, hastening efforts to look for alternative sources of energy, although continued political uncertainty could slow public investments in power plants and transmission lines.

Thailand focuses on free trade agreements

Thailand | 20 Mar 2014
Thailand focuses on free trade agreements

While Thailand is pushing ahead with efforts to expand its network of free trade agreements (FTAs), the lack of a permanent government means that approval and implementation of any deals could be delayed.

Thailand Year in Review 2013

Thailand | 22 Jan 2014
Thailand Year in Review 2013

Over the past 12 months Thailand’s economy has come under growing pressure, with political unrest combining with falling industrial output and weakening exports to slow development and cool investor confidence.

Thailand’s banks solid in leaner market

Thailand | 25 Nov 2013
Thailand’s banks solid in leaner market

Lenders in Thailand are expected to adopt a cautious position in the coming months, keeping a close watch on household debt levels and monitoring the local economy’s return to growth following a contraction earlier this year.

Fuel for Thailand’s future

Thailand | 22 Oct 2013
Fuel for Thailand’s future

Energy consumption in Thailand is set to jump by 75% over the coming two decades as the economy expands and a more affluent society takes to the roads in increasing numbers, according to a new report. However, this new growth and mobility will come at a cost, with dependence on oil imports set to rise and increasing susceptibility to external price shocks.

Reducing Thailand’s rice mountain

Thailand | 25 Sep 2013
Reducing Thailand’s rice mountain

The government in Thailand is hailing a recent agreement with China as a significant step towards reducing its extensive rice stockpile. However, critics of the programme, which offers growers a minimum price for their crops, say that the deal with Beijing will put only a dent in Thailand’s so-called rice mountain.

Thailand’s government pushes transport transformation

Thailand | 16 Sep 2013
Thailand’s government pushes transport transformation

The government in Thailand has strongly reiterated its commitment to an ambitious Bt2trn-plus ($60bn) transport system investment plan. The massive programme of spending would focus on rail, urban rapid transit and ports, and the government asserts that it would strongly enhance Thailand’s competitiveness in trade and investment, helping the country make up lost ground.