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Thomas Jefferson

New Play 'Discord' Is Like Your Philosophy 101 Class, But Funnier

The Huffington Post | Taryn Hillin | Posted 10.17.2014 | Arts

At some point in our lives, we've all asked ourselves the same two questions: "Why are we here?" and "Does God exist?" Scott Carter's new play "Dis...

Beyond Victory

Neil McCarthy | Posted 10.17.2014 | Politics
Neil McCarthy

We appear now to be in a period of perpetually slender majorities.The American Congress is more or less split and will still be after this November's mid-terms, regardless of the technical outcome. Maybe it's not about victory... or policy... Maybe we need the "great innovation" that works regardless of division.

Scary Times Call For a Great President: Paul Krugman's Defense of Obama

Blake Fleetwood | Posted 10.12.2014 | Politics
Blake Fleetwood

Contrary to conventional wisdom, and many polls, Barack Obama is exactly the right kind of pragmatic leader we need to have as President in these scary times. His steadfastness steered the country through the worst recession since the 1930s.

Is One Good Congress Too Much to Ask?

William S. Becker | Posted 10.10.2014 | Politics
William S. Becker

I wonder what Jefferson would think of our Congress today, or of the voters who tolerate it. I wonder what it would feel like to be proud of our government again.

Poems That Contain (and Critique) History: Three First Books

Dean Rader | Posted 10.07.2014 | San Francisco
Dean Rader

Most civilians I talk to think it's pretty easy to publish a book of poems and are even surprised when I break the news that there are really no advances, no agents and no bidding wars.

A Pictorial Tour of Monticello's Heritage Harvest Festival

Carolyn Bass | Posted 10.02.2014 | Travel
Carolyn Bass

Urban farming is sweeping the country as individuals and families seek ways to eat more healthily while also whittling down the grocery bills. Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's legendary estate in Charlottesville, Va. recently offered two-days of gardening, farming, and DIY classes and demonstrations during its annual Heritage Harvest Festival.

Gary Hart's Waking Nightmare Marked Media Devolution

William Bradley | Posted 09.24.2014 | Media
William Bradley

The storyline has long been that Hart challenged the press to follow him around and, in the post-Watergate spirit of enterprising investigative journalism, the press did just that, fearlessly uncovering, well, er, what?

Food and Music Mix It up at These Southern Festivals

Carolyn Bass | Posted 09.09.2014 | Travel
Carolyn Bass

Harvest season is underway across the northern hemisphere and with it comes food and wine festivals to tempt even the foodiest of palates.

What The Left Can Learn From Alexander Hamilton

Jacobin | Christian Parenti | Posted 08.28.2014 | Politics

This story was originally posted at Jacobin magazine. Two hundred years ago, Alexander Hamilton was mortally wounded by then Vice President Aaron B...

Would You Pass the US Citizenship Test? Take This Quiz!

Michael Shammas | Posted 08.22.2014 | College
Michael Shammas

The following questions were taken from the list of 100 civics questions. Admittedly, these are some of the harder ones. Could you pass?

Growing up a "Patriot"?

Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey | Posted 10.15.2014 | World
Ambassador Muhamed Sacirbey

Let me thank my classmates, teachers, and Valley Forge for having educated me to be still that Patriot even as America and the globe around us changes.

The Hobby Lobby Decision Makes 'Religious Freedom' A Euphemism For Imposing Religious Doctrine. America Should Beware.

H. A. Goodman | Posted 09.24.2014 | Politics
H. A. Goodman

One's religion should never interfere legally with the personal habits of another person; even if those behaviors pertain to eating horribly, smoking, hiking in dangerous terrain, and especially sexual activity.

Expansive Government Threatens Religious Liberty, the First Freedom

Doug Bandow | Posted 09.15.2014 | Politics
Doug Bandow

Americans should be protected from interference with their faith as well as attempts by others to impose their beliefs. The institutions of government and church should be kept far apart, while the political realm is left open to arguments of all sorts, whether based on theism, humanism, or something else.

Oil Is the New Fur

Georgianne Nienaber | Posted 09.14.2014 | Green
Georgianne Nienaber

The news this week on the Fort Berthold Reservation was not good. One million gallons of brine from fracking operations spilled in an 8,240 feet long flow down a ravine near Bear Den Bay and Lake Sakakawea.

Trivia: Seven Questions and Answers about the Declaration of Independence

William B. Bradshaw | Posted 09.11.2014 | Education
William B. Bradshaw

Here are some trivia questions relating to the Declaration of Independence. See how you do with them.

238 Years Later, The Battle Still Rages On

Mike Lux | Posted 09.03.2014 | Politics
Mike Lux

Our politicians and our policies have ill-served most of the working families in this country for way too long now, and it is time to turn that around. The battle over whether the working class will be included in the American idea invented by Jefferson and those others in Philadelphia 238 years ago this week still rages on.

The Surprising Drinking Habits Of Our Founding Fathers

The Daily Meal | Posted 09.03.2014 | Taste
The Daily Meal

Aiding the framers through the birth of modern democracy was an astronomical amount of booze.

Happy Birthday America

William B. Bradshaw | Posted 09.03.2014 | Education
William B. Bradshaw

he process of debating and revising Jefferson's declaration continued on July 3 and into the late morning of July 4. In the evening of July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress "unanimously" approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence.

Declaring Our Independence Through Education

Michael Roth | Posted 09.02.2014 | College
Michael Roth

On this July 4 we should dedicate ourselves to recovering the American promise that education should increase our independence. Since the founding of this country, education has been closely tied to self-reliance, to declaring one's independence through one's ability to think for oneself and creatively contribute to society. In a quickly shifting economic landscape, it is understandable that some parents and pundits are calling for streamlined learning to train people quickly. But gearing education only to meeting current economic conditions is a ticket to conformity -- and also to economic and cultural mediocrity.

The 'Miracle' of July 4, 1826

Stafford Betty | Posted 09.01.2014 | Weird News
Stafford Betty

One of the most astonishing coincidences in world history was the deaths of John Adams, America's second president, and Thomas Jefferson, its third. They both died on July 4, 1826, exactly 50 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Young People Helped Found This Country, It's Time for Us to Step Up and Lead Again

Stevaughn Bush | Posted 09.01.2014 | Politics
Stevaughn Bush

Two centuries ago, a group of patriots came together and founded our great nation. Looking back, we see the powdered wigs and think of these Founding Fathers as experienced, middle-aged statesman. But in fact, young people were instrumental in leading the charge.

Hobby Lobby Website Proudly Displays 'Jefferson' Quote (That Actually Came from Madison, and Completely Contradicts SCOTUS Ruling)

Chris Rodda | Posted 09.01.2014 | Politics
Chris Rodda

No, Hobby Lobby, that quote on your website is NOT from Thomas Jefferson! And, furthermore, the document it comes from -- which was written by James Madison -- is a list of some of the best arguments AGAINST that Supreme Court ruling that you and your fellow Christian supremacists are currently gloating about.

Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush Totaled 672 Executive Orders. Obama has 182. Boehner's Lawsuit Is Frivolous

H. A. Goodman | Posted 09.01.2014 | Politics
H. A. Goodman

While many conservatives have labeled Obama's unilateral decisions as imperial, or the actions of a "monarch," the truth is that U.S. history is filled with Republican presidents who have been far more willing to take matters into their own hands.

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution

Scott D. Gerber | Posted 08.31.2014 | Politics
Scott D. Gerber

The Fourth of July marks the 238th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Monday was the final day of the U.S. Supreme Court's most recent term. The two have more in common than the justices on America's highest court seem to understand.

Why Lost Words Matter

Pia de Jong | Posted 08.18.2014 | Impact
Pia de Jong

Navajo is now an endangered language, but the fate of other Indian languages ​​is even more imperiled. It is a race against the clock. Otherwise the linguistic DNA of an entire people will be lost forever.