The Editors
Reflections on the Papal Interview

America has received a large number of responses to our historic interview with Pope Francis. We will continue to post these responses here in the coming days. Readers are invited to post their own comments below or on our papal interview page.

From the Editors

"Working at Mercy": Pope Francis calls us to love one another more fully, Kerry Weber (Oct. 4)

"The Pope's Progress," The Editors (Sept. 30 issue)

"The Story Behind the Story," Matt Malone, S.J. (Sept. 30 issue)

"Interviewing the Pope," A podcast with Matt Malone, S.J. (Sept. 30 issue)

"The Popepourri!" Kevin Clarke (Sept. 19)

"Listening to the Pope," James Martin, S.J. (Sept. 19)

From Our Contributors

"A New Way of Being Church": Pope Francis encourages us to be comfortable with uncertainty, Timothy Radcliffe, O.P. (Sept. 30)

"Francis the Witness"The pope presents a fresh vision of the Gospel, Most Rev. Blase J. Cupich (Sept. 26)

"The Pope's Priorities": An opportunity for evangelical clarity, Stephen P. White (Sept. 26)

"'I Am a Sinner'": The deep humility of Pope Francis, Stephen Bullivant (Sept. 25)

"The Call of the Spirit": The style and substance of Pope Francis, James Hanvey, S.J. (Sept. 25)

"The Work of a Christian Lifetime": The hard-earned insights of Pope Francis, Richard Rohr, O.F.M (Sept. 25)

"A Pope Engaged with the World": Francis hears the cries of his flock, Karen Sue Smith (Sept. 25)

"An Ongoing Conversation": Additional questions for Pope Francis, Rev. Robert P. Imbelli (Sept 24)

"One Human Family": The pope's radical call to community, Meghan J. Clark (Sept. 24)

"Francis in 'America'": A pastoral message the church needs today, Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl (Sept. 24)

"A Vatican II Pope": Francis lives the council's message in word and deed, John W. O'Malley, S.J. (Sept 24)

"Cardinal Dolan, Frankly Speaking," an interview with Cardinal Timothy Dolan (In All Things, Sept. 24)

"After the Pope's Interview: Three Hard Things," Francis X. Clooney, S.J. (In All Things, Sept. 23)

"To Be Church, Together," Vincent J. Miller (In All Things, Sept. 22)

"The Pope's Interview and the Bible," John W. Martens (The Good Word, Sept. 20)

"Pope Francis and 'Deep Amazement,'" Matt Emerson (The Ignatian Educator, Sept. 20)

"The People of God, At Long Last," Drew Christiansen, S.J. (In All Things, Sept. 20)


thomas dwyer | 9/27/2013 - 12:11pm

I believe it essential for America to explain in greater detail the mishap re the translation of sentences concerning the role of woman in the Church. It has diminished the initial power of an extraordinary interview. But, congratulations from a dedicated reader.