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Learning and Teaching Education Research Centre

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The Learning and Teaching Education Research Centre is developing a leadership position in applied research into learning and teaching issues emerging from and impacting on CQUniversity's reputation for responsive and responsible engagement with students, staff and the diverse communities it serves. The nature and direction of this research is determined largely by the contextual conditions that characterise CQUniversity, namely: cultural diversity, multiple sites and a multi-modal delivery framework. Centre membership and activities are inclusive of all staff interested in the scholarship of learning and teaching.

Established in July 2009, the Centre's membership and activities are inclusive of all staff and RHD students interested in the scholarship of learning and teaching. LTERC is strategically positioned within the field of education research at CQUniversity. It provides multidisciplinary research capabilities and expertise in ethically responsible, socially and culturally inclusive investigations into learning and teaching. LTERC's unique advantage and challenge is its diverse constituencies, internal and external to the University.

Our Vision
A national and international reputation for research excellence in the scholarship of learning and teaching.

Our Mission
LTERC will provide a platform for research and scholarly activities within an intellectually supportive and collegial environment conducive to maximising research productivity and excellence.

The Centre aims for a scholarly orientation to learning and teaching research in the field of education. Centre members work with students, colleagues, peers, community and industry partners to engage on local and global issues of significance for:

  • equitable access to education and training
  • culturally appropriate opportunities for successful completion of study programs
  • technologically mediated curriculum development and pedagogies for teaching and learning.

The key objectives for LTERC are mapped against those of CQUniversity's Strategic Plan 2010-2013:


LTERC will ...


1.Promote and support the scholarship of learning and teaching

Goal 1: Learning & Teaching
Goal 4: Equity Access, Participation & Success

2.Establish and enhance research networks and partnerships

Goal 2: Research & Innovation
Goal 3: Engagement

3.Grow an education research culture among staff & RHD candidates.

Goal 2: Research & Innovation
Goal 5: People & Performance

Our focus is to provide our members with the support and collegial environment necessary to maximise research productivity.

I am delighted to welcome you to LTERC and encourage you to contact us to find out more about our research.

Professor Mike Horsley
Director - Learning & Teaching Education Research Centre

View LTERC Brochure

What's New 

CANCELLED: 'Current Trends in Eye Tracking Research' Book Launch - Monday 17th February 2014, Rockhampton Campus.