I'm always on high alert for all forms of celeb news, but my ears do perk up a little higher when those updates are of the baby variety. The baby bumps, the pregnancy fashion, the gender reveals, the baby names—all of it sends me into a cuteness tailspin that is guaranteed to improve whatever sort of day I'm having. Needless to say, with these three baby-related updates greeting me this morning, my Wednesday is off to a very good start.


It looks like the rumors are true for Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake! We've been following this one super closely ever since we first heard mumblings of a Timberlake baby, and now it appears the rumors are true! Us Weekly is confirming that the couple, who celebrated their second wedding anniversary in October, are expecting their first child. "They just want a happy baby," a source told Us. That baby is certain to be happy and genetically blessed. Mega-congrats to the parents-to-be!

A photo posted by kellyrowland (@kellyrowland) on

It's a BOY for Kelly Rowland and her husband, Tim Witherspoon! "We are thrilled to announce that we are the proud parents of our first son," named Titan Jewell Witherspoon, Rowland said in a statement to People. Titan Jewell was born yesterday, November 4, at 1:30 PT and clocked in at 7.5 pounds. "We are blessed to report everyone is healthy and happy," Rowland told People. Welcome to the world, Titan Jewell, and congrats to Rowland and Witherspoon!


It's a GIRL for Robert Downey Jr. and his wife, Susan Downey! People reports the couple welcomed their daughter in Los Angeles. This is the first girl for Downey and his wife, who already have a two-and-a-half-year-old son, Exton Elias. Downey also has a son, Indio, 21, from a previous marriage. Sending our best wishes to Iron Man and his family!

Congratulations are in order all around! And let's discuss: What do you think of the name Titan Jewell? Any early bets on what Jessica Biel might have?

Photos: FameFlyNet, Instagram