The History of the Celebrating Women Breakfast

In 1987, a small group of visionary women from diverse backgrounds joined forces to found The New York Women’s Foundation. Their goal was to identify and fund community organizations in New York City run by and for women whose programs assisted low-income women and girls in need of critical services and economic independence. The next spring, The Foundation held its first Celebrating Women Breakfast in a crowded church hall where $50,000 was awarded to our first 4 grantee partners.

Today, the New York Women’s Foundation’s annual Breakfast is the premiere fundraising event for women of consciousness with 2,400 attendees standing with women and girls in New York City.

However, as anyone who has ever been at a Breakfast will tell you it is not about the numbers. The Breakfast is about honoring the strength and courage of our grantee partners, who find groundbreaking solutions to seemingly intractable problems. The Breakfast is about honoring the visionary women who serve as role models, leaders and philanthropists. And last, but certainly not least, the Breakfast is about honoring our Board, Alumnae and volunteers, whose courage and fierce determination sustain and inspire us to keep moving forward.


Celebrating Women Award: Given to a woman whose significant achievements have influenced the lives of – and provided a role model for – women and girls.

Vision Award: Given to a strategic philanthropist whose contributions are directed towards women and girls.

Century Award: Honors a woman leader whose social activism, strategic philanthropy and work on behalf of low-income women spans many decades


“I am proud to have this fabulous walking stick – (laughter) – which I will try to put to good use – either leaning on it or wielding it for whatever is the better purpose.” Hillary Rodham Clinton on receiving her CWB Walking Stick Award.

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The idea for the walking stick came from Youth Empowerment Mission, Inc. (YEM)*, one of our grantee partners, who suggested we give the women we honor this classic symbol of wisdom, strength and forward motion. Since 2007, young women in YEM’s Blossom Program for Girls have used their talent and ingenuity to decorate each stick with words, symbols and pictures that signify the contribution made by the woman being honored. The sticks, made from locally harvested wood, symbolize the trailblazing role of the women whom we honor, as well as the energy, creativity and enterprise of our grantee partners.

*Founded in 1995, YEM is a community-based organization serving the critical needs of young people living in Bedford-Stuyvesant and the surrounding communities of Central Brooklyn. 


2014 Award Recipients



Recipient of the Celebrating Women Award

Jessamyn W. Rodriguez, Founder and CEO of Hot Bread Kitchen

Recipient of the Century Award

Gloria Steinem, Writer and Feminist Activist

Recipient of the Celebrating Women Award,

Soffiyah Elijah, Executive Director of the Correctional Association of New York




Past Award Recipients


Madeline K. Albright

Christiane Amanpour

Capt. (ret.) Brenda Berkman

Christine Beshar

Mary J. Blige

Tina Brown

Gretchen Buchenholz

Jennifer Buffett

Alice Cardona

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Abigail Disney

Barbara Dobkin

Eve Ensler

Linda Fairstein

Stephanie Ferdman

Eileen Fisher

Leymah Gbowee

Whoopi Goldberg

Agnes Gund

Polly W. Guth

Maria Hinojosa

Dolores C. Huerta

Helen LaKelly Hunt

Sheila C. Johnson

Billie Jean King

Queen Latifah

Geraldine Laybourne

Lilly Ledbetter

Rachel Lloyd

Gloria W. Milliken

Dr. Wangari Muta

Mira Nair

Ai-jen Poo

Karen A. Phillips

Lisa Quiroz

Merble Reagon

Celina Romany

Rosita M. Romero

Faith Ringgold

Kathy Rodgers

Margarita Rosa

Sara Lee Schupf

Hildy Simmons

Joan Warburg

Marie Wilson

 Previous Award Recipients 

The Century Award

The Celebrating Women Award

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Jan Abernathy

Soffiyah Elijah

Madeleine K. Albright
Leymah Gbowee
Christiane Amanpour
Dolores C. Huerta
Brenda Berkman
Dr. Wangari Muta Maathai
Christine Beshar
Gloria W. Milliken
Amalia Betanzos
Jessamyn W. Rodriguez
Diana Brooks
Gretchen Buchenholz
The Vision Award

Alice Cardona

Mary J. Blige

Irene Diamond
Tina Brown
Barbara Ehrenreich
Jennifer Buffett
Eve Ensler
Abigail E. Disney
Whoopi Goldberg
Barbara Dobkin
Dr. Dorothy Height
Stephanie Schwartz Ferdman
Maria Hinojosa
Barbara Denning Finberg
Judith Jamison
Eileen Fisher
Judith Kehoe
Agnes Gund
Angelique Kidjo
Polly W. Guth
Geraldine Laybourne
Helen LaKelly Hunt
Lilly Ledbetter
Swanee Hunt
Rachel Lloyd
Sheila C. Johnson
Dr. Megan McLaughlin
Billie Jean King
Gloria W. Milliken
Edith Blakeslee Phelps
Lorraine Monroe
Barbara Scott Prieskel
Elisabeth Luce Moore
Sara Lee Schupf
Mira Nair
The Women of Meeting Point International, Uganda
Margaret McNeil Pendelton
Joan Melber Warburg
Dr. Muriel Petioni
Joan H. Weill
Karen A. Phillips
Ai-jen Poo
Queen Latifah
Lisa Quiroz
Merble Reagon
Faith Ringgold
Ann R. Roberts
Kathy Rodgers
Dr, Helen Rodriguez-Trias
Celina Romany
Rosita M. Romero
Margarita Rosa
Hildy Simmons
Gloria Steinem
Isabel Carter Stewart
Marie C. Wilson



Past Programs