Through Dec. 31
Bitcoin Donations to
Will Be Matched

Up to a Total of $10,000USD in Bitcoin

Leading Bitcoin proponent Roger Ver has pledged to match all Bitcoin donations to during our fund drive, up to a total of $10,000 USD value of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer currency. No central authority issues new money or tracks transactions.

Bitcoin can be a powerful tool to promote global understanding and help stop nations from conducting war. Roger Ver explains Bitcoin and how it can stop the federal government's ability to conduct war in this recent article on

Contributors of $100 are offered Patrick Cockburn's latest book, The Jihadis Return. To take advantage of this offer, email here.

If you have any questions, please call Angela at 323-512-7095
Please read more at Weusecoin and Bitcoin FAQ.

Our public donation address is: 1M87hiTAa49enJKVeT9gzLjYmJoYh9V98.
For those of you with smart phones, the QR code is embedded below.

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