Watson Institute

The Social Fabric: Global Migration, Local Exclusions, and the New Iberoamerican Agenda

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

The Joukowsky Forum

"The Social Fabric: Global Migration, Local Exclusions, and the New Iberoamerican Agenda," with Carlos Fuentes (Mexican writer, Brown Professor-at-large), Romano Prodi (former Primer Minister of Italy, Brown Professor-at-large), Manuel Elkin Patarroyo (Colombian scientist), Roberto Teixeira (Brazilian economist), Isaac Lee (Journalist, Univisión), José Claudio Escribano (“La Nación,” Buenos Aires) and Cesar Conde

Moderator: Ignacio Polanco (president, PRISA Group, Madrid) 

Organized by The Transatlantic Project at Brown, directed by Prof. Julio Ortega (Hispanic Studies), with cooperation of the Watson Institute, the Office of the President, the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, International Affairs, and the Iberoamerican Forum

Location: The Joukowsky Forum, Watson Institute, 111 Thayer Street