Energy – Get More Now!

ENERGY, more commonly lack of energy, is one of the most frequent complaints that I hear. Unfortunately, there is not one pill, or one answer that applies to everyone.
Every cell in our body is ALIVE with electric energy that comes from the right balance of minerals, fluids, vitamins and other nutrients. If we don’t have the right balance of nutrients in our bodies, we don’t just shrivel up and die, we adapt. Our bodies have incredible wisdom in each cell that allows us to still function even without optimum fuel (nutrition).
Without the RIGHT NUTRIENTS, the body has to decide what absolutely has to run and what can wait until another time. Another common decision for the body is what to do with the stuff it just doesn’t have time to deal with or doesn’t recognize. The result of these decisions is the story of our personal health. It is affected by what we eat and drink, what kind of air we breathe, our thoughts, our emotions, and the stress in our everyday lives.
The BODY always does its best with the circumstances it has been given, usually it just needs some more favorable circumstances so it can function at its optimum level. Most commonly, a lack of energy is your body’s way of saying that it is overwhelmed. The trick is to figure out what is overwhelming it. Is it simply the commitments in your life such as work, parenting, chores, social obligations, etc.? Or is it diet and nutrition or a chronic health problem that needs attention? Or is it a combination of these things?
QUICK FIXES are sometimes possible. Supplements like Energy Plus, Adaptogen, or Adrenal Support will help support your body so it has more energy. It’s important to take a good multi-vitamin with these and if you are over 40, you may need a sublingual B12 too.
But there are SLOW FIXES too. Eating right for your body can have amazing results over time. Most people do not eat enough quality protein or enough vegetables. And most people consume too much sugar, caffeine, and refined carbohydrates. Balancing the diet has great long-lasting results. And it’s important to fill in nutritional gaps with a high-quality multi-vitamin.
With LACK OF ENERGY in the body, I have 2 basic questions in my mind. The first is to identify any deficiencies of essential nutrients that may be causing the body to malfunction. The second is to identify anything that needs to be eliminated from the body or from the diet so that balance can be restored. These may include non-beneficial foods, parasites, environmental toxins, etc.
LOW ENERGY is normally a COMBINATION of both of these questions. The answers vary individually, but usually lie in the nutritional realm. Natural ways to increase energy involve eating a healthy balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of rest and using herbs and vitamins to help rebalance the body.
A for another slow fix, consider HERBAL CLEANSES. They tend to help energy levels in the body as they help clear out any congestion in organs of elimination that may be bringing you energy level down. I am always amazed at how much better people feel after a whole body cleanse.
Anyone can be healthier and more ENERGETIC with a diet and lifestyle suited to the needs of their body.

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Time to Clean!

CLEANSING the body periodically is one of the tenets of natural health. The purpose of cleansing is to assist the body in eliminating harmful toxins which helps the body run more effectively and efficiently which translates to better health.
As adults, 80% of our ENERGY goes towards eliminating byproducts of normal metabolism from our bodies. Our bodies are actually very good at eliminating things that we don’t need; however, our modern diets with lots of refined and processed foods tend overwhelm our bodies and clog not just our arteries, but our livers, colons, lymph system and kidneys as well.
From a natural perspective, DEFICIENCY or CONGESTION are the underlying cause of most health problems. Congestion involves both overconsumption and reduced eliminative function. Many of our acute and chronic diseases result from clogged tissues, suffocated cells, and subsequent loss of vital energy. Frequent colds and flu’s, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and allergies are all consequences of congestive disorders.
CONGESTION occurs when we eat and/or drink more than our bodies can utilize and eliminate. I am not just referring to Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners. The standard American diet includes many foods that tend to be congesting such as fats, heavy meats, dairy products, refined foods and chemicals such as artificial sweeteners, preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, etc.
CONGESTION isn’t just the result of wrong foods and portions. Many of our habits interfere with digestion, overloading the body with food that cannot be metabolized and increasing our chances of toxicity or congestive overload. Things that interfere with digestion include inadequate chewing, eating too fast, drinking too much liquid with meals and eating when stressed. Another cause of poor digestion is drugs that lower production of stomach acid.
INTERNAL CLEANSING is the antidote to congestion. Cleaning our internal organs allows our body to eliminate what it doesn’t need and what it is too congested to eliminate without help. A clean body has more energy, sleeps better, thinks more clearly, digests and assimilates food efficiently, and has fewer health problems.
There are many METHODS of cleansing. One of the oldest is fasting. Herbal cleansing is another popular method. There many products available today that contain herbs for all of the major channels of elimination. I recommend cleaning the body at least twice per year. My favorite is a 30 day herbal cleanse. If you haven’t ever done an internal cleanse, try one. Your body will thank you.

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INSULIN – Lower yours for better health!

INSULIN is the hormone that regulates blood sugar levels within the body. Diabetes is the most well known condition involving insulin; however, insulin resistance is a more common condition affecting 25 to 30 percent of all Americans. Insulin resistance is a precursor to type II diabetes.
Normally, insulin FACILITATES the use of blood sugar by the body. When we consume too many foods that convert easily into sugar such as refined carbohydrates, our body has to make lots of insulin to utilize that sugar. Over time, our bodies quit responding to the insulin, we have to make more and more to get our cells to respond, and we end up with excess insulin in our blood.
Excess insulin is very DANGEROUS to our health, particularly our cardiovascular health. Excess insulin increases salt and water retention leading to high blood pressure and excess weight. Insulin also aggravates high blood pressure by increasing the responsiveness of the arteries to the effects of adrenaline (stress). High insulin levels affect neurotransmitters resulting in sleep disorders.
Excess insulin is directly involved with CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH in that it creates atherosclerotic plaque. Insulin is the primary contributor to both high levels of triglycerides and low levels of good HDL cholesterol. Insulin also provokes the liver into producing more LDL cholesterol.
Even if we do not develop diabetes, insulin resistance is extremely HARMFUL. When our bodies resist insulin, our blood sugar tends to be too high. High blood sugar damages our kidneys, eyes, nerves and skin.
Insulin METABOLISM comes partly from our genetic makeup and partly from our lifestyle. The main signs of insulin resistance include weight gain around the midriff, tiredness, irritability, poor mental function and inability to lose weight. Another sign is creases in the earlobes which indicate problems with carbohydrate metabolism that lead to arterial plaqueing.
Many of the popular DIETS address insulin resistance by restricting carbohydrate intake. These diets include Paleo, Glycemic Load, Fat Flush and Sugar Busters. While these are all good diets, some of these are more balanced than others. The more balanced the diet, the greater chance of long term success.
My favorite SUPPLEMENT that helps lower blood sugar and increase the body’s responsiveness to insulin is a multi-vitamin called Glucobalance. Other supplements that help lower blood sugar are fiber, alpha lipoic acid, cinnamon, gymnema, and juniper berries. Certain fats lower insulin resistance. These include omega 3 oils DHA and EPA, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Minerals that decrease insulin resistance are chromium, magnesium, potassium, vanadium and zinc. Other supplements that improve insulin metabolism include l-carnitine, coenzyme Q10, vitamin C, B vitamins biotin and inositol, and vitamins A, D and E. .
Regular EXERCISE greatly benefits insulin metabolism. Both aerobic (walking) and isotonic (weight lifting) exercises will reduce insulin resistance.
Hopefully, after reading this, you will understand the connection between a diet high in refined carbohydrates and cardiovascular disease. If you are at risk, please take some action to bring your health into BALANCE.

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Turmeric – for your health!

TURMERIC is a herb and spice used in curries. It has a characteristic deep yellow color and a mildly spicy flavor. It comes from the rhizome of the turmeric plant which is a member of the same species as ginger. You may have heard of it because it has been mentioned by Dr. Oz and in many popular news channels.
The MEDICINAL PROPERTIES of turmeric include: strengthening the immune system, relieving inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, improving digestions, killing parasites, dissolving gallstones and alleviating PMS.
Turmeric is a strong ANTIOXIDANT that is actually more powerful than vitamins C and E. Studies have shown that turmeric is effective in halting cancer in all 3 stages, reducing the number of tumors and protecting the throat, stomach and colon against cancer. In animal studies, turmeric was toxic to cancer cells within thirty minutes.
Another powerful action of turmeric is on the LIVER. Turmeric stimulates the flow of bile, helping to metabolize fats. It is used to prevent and dissolve gallstones while cleaning out the bacteria associated with inflammation of the gallbladder. Turmeric also inhibits viruses such as hepatitis and HIV.
Turmeric is used throughout the herbal world because of its ANTI-INFLAMMATORY properties. It is sold singly for arthritis pain, for cardiovascular health and for lowering blood sugar. It is also sold in combination with other herbs, particularly for relieving inflammation common in conditions such as arthritis.
Turmeric is now being touted as the anti-inflammatory herb to take to PREVENT degenerative conditions in the brain and nervous system. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties are enhanced when it is combined with other anti-inflammatory herbs such as rosemary, ginger, green teas and boswellia.
One particular turmeric based combination called ZYFLAMEND, which is a proprietary formula from New Chapter, is being used in clinical cancer trials on both prostate cancer and brain cancer because the anti-inflammatory properties that make this combination useful against arthritis pain, also make it useful in preventing the inflammation that can lead to cancer. Note that cancer doesn’t develop overnight; it is a progressive problem that starts with inflammation.
As with any herb, QUALITY is a major issue. If you want to get the benefit of the herbs you take, make sure they come from a quality supplier who does not use herbs that have been fumigated or irradiated upon entry into the United States.

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