Allan Sloan
Allan Sloan

Latest by Allan Sloan

Buffett and Vanguard: Different paths to the same financial destination

Buffett and Vanguard: Different paths to the same financial destination

The sage of Omaha is a showoff, while Vanguard is boring. But there’s a lesson in that comparison.

Blaming and fleecing the ‘rich’ won’t fix Social Security

Truth is, liberals and conservatives are wrong about “the rich” benefiting unfairly from Social Security.

The time bombs blowing up New Jersey’s taxpayers and its budget

The time bombs blowing up New Jersey’s taxpayers and its budget

At the start, zero-coupon bonds were an almost free ride. Now they are a huge problem for the state.

Behind Christie’s budget claims, a more controversial legacy

Behind Christie’s budget claims, a more controversial legacy

The N.J. governor closed budget gaps by borrowing, shifting money from trust funds and paring back tax credits.