Featured Columns

Huckabee’s crusade

His warped reading of the balance of powers.

An abuse of free speech

We don’t have to embrace Pamela Geller.

Beyond Baltimore

That city’s ills are D.C.’s too.

Poor sports

The Patriots should be punished.

Being ‘the other mom’

(Courtesy of / Bigstock)

  • Being ‘the other mom’

    Being ‘the other mom’

    Dealing with the “two moms paradox.”

    https://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2015/05/08/Editorial-Opinion/Images/bigstock-Adoption-of-baby-done-by-femal-89573960.jpg 296 197
  • Dems embrace ‘Citizens United’

    Dems embrace ‘Citizens United’

    Ditching principles to defend the Clintons.

    https://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2015/05/08/Editorial-Opinion/Images/DEM_2016_Clintons_Decision-05b49-1611.jpg 296 208
  • Five myths about breast cancer

    Five myths about breast cancer

    It’s not mostly family history.

    https://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2015/05/04/Outlook/Images/RTR39GSF.jpg 296 193
  • Grandparenting the boomer way

    Grandparenting the boomer way

    It takes awhile to get your bearings.

    https://img.washingtonpost.com/rf/image_296w/2010-2019/WashingtonPost/2015/05/07/Outlook/Images/iStock_000011247046_XXXLarge.jpg 296 197

Outlook & Opinions

Don’t trust those polls

Don’t trust those polls

Britain’s election provides three lessons to remember in 2016.

Flowers for Mom are bad for the earth

Flowers for Mom are bad for the earth

That bouquet probably needed chemicals and a big carbon footprint.

The case for conservative civil disobedience

The case for conservative civil disobedience

A review of Charles Murray’s new book.

The end of the ‘dumb dad’ era

The end of the ‘dumb dad’ era

Advertisers and TV writers are just catching up to demographic trends.

Who had the worst week in Washington? John Wall.

Who had the worst week in Washington? John Wall.

The Wizards star guard broke his hand — and fans’ hearts.

A safer home for Cambodia’s girls

A safer home for Cambodia’s girls

The country has turned the corner on sex trafficking.

Will the TPP really protect workers?

Will the TPP really protect workers?

Enforcement of terms in past trade agreements has been mediocre.

Why do we still shackle kids on trial?

Why do we still shackle kids on trial?

Children who steal gum arrive in court in leg irons and belly chains.

Why cloth diapers might not be the greener choice, after all

Why cloth diapers might not be the greener choice, after all

If you’re trying to help the planet, disposables could be better than cotton.

Wasting the savanna

Wasting the savanna

The huge environmental cost of converting these lands into farmland.

Best state in America: California, for its many mom-friendly policies

Best state in America: California, for its many mom-friendly policies

The state’s laws recognize mothers’ roles as workers and caregivers.

‘Building back better’

‘Building back better’

As Nepal recovers, it deals with the promise and pitfalls of outside aid.


Poll: Who or what is more dangerous to our democracy?

A lot of people seem to be in a constant state of angst about our democracy. They worry that it is slipping away or being eroded by lawlessness.

Book Reviews