Tony Blair on the EU

Vernon Coleman

Here are the views of Tony Blair about the EU.

1. `Above all, the European Economic Community takes away Britain's freedom to follow the sort of economic policies we need.'
Tony Blair, writing in his personal manifesto when standing for Parliament in Beaconsfield in 1982

2. `We'll negotiate a withdrawal from the EEC which has drained our natural resources and destroyed jobs.'
Tony Blair, pledging his opposition to the EEC when standing for Parliament in Sedgefield in 1983

3. `On the day we remember the legend that St George slayed a dragon to protect England, some would argue that there is another dragon to be slayed: Europe.'
Tony Blair, in patriotic and vote winning mood on St George's Day 1997 in an interview with 'The Sun' newspaper

4. `I am a passionate pro-European. I always have been.'
Tony Blair, speaking to the EU Parliament in 2005

These quotes are taken from The Truth They Won't Tell You (And Don't Want You To Know) About The EU by Vernon Coleman, available from the shop on this website and from all good bookshops everywhere.

Copyright Vernon Coleman 2006