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In this research, we developed an e-health system for cases of patient's hospitalization. This system was integrated with an e-id based RFID. E-id contains patient's id, secret key, and personal identity that consist of strong and weak... more
In this research, we developed an e-health system for cases of patient's
hospitalization. This system was integrated with an e-id based RFID. E-id
contains patient's id, secret key, and personal identity that consist of strong and
weak attributes. Strong attributes will be encrypted using ECC Method, while
the authentication process will verify the validity of the patient’s personal
identity using ECDSA method. The results show that the system which was
developed has been able to protect the patient's personal identity. This is
because strong attributes have been successfully encrypted. During the
authentication process, the received message was authenticated. Therefore,
the system that was developed is expected to increase the trust and
confidence of patients.
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Academia © 2015