While you can find and view images without an account, users who register can:

To Register for a User Account

  1. When you first register for a user account, you must be on-site at your institution or logged in through your institution’s proxy server.  Access the Artstor Digital Library.
  2. In the Log In area at the upper right side of the screen, click Register
  3. A registration form will appear. Enter a valid email address, password, your role at your institution, and the academic department you are affiliated with. DO NOT use symbols (e.g., ? /\ <>+ # %) or diacritics (e.g., é å ï ñ ô).
  4. Use the check boxes to opt-in or out of our monthly newsletter and annual user survey.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. You will automatically be logged in to your new account. The Log In area will change to display a welcome message and your email address.