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Philosophy of Karl Popper cover

ISBN 0-87548-353-4
ISBN-13 978-087548-353-5


1323 pages



The Philosophy of Karl Popper

Volume XIV in the Library of Living Philosophers
Edited by Paul A. Schilpp

Table of Contents

"Now, the publication The Philosophy of Karl Popper . . . gives Popper a niche in the Library of Living Philosophers, alongside predecessors like Dewey, Moore, Russell, and Einstein. In fact, Popper has upstaged them all by being the first to run to two volumes. . . . If Popper is not the greatest living philosopher of science I an not sure who is; and that Popper has influenced important scientists is undeniable. . . ."

—Peter Singer, New York Review of Books

Read full review: "Discovering Karl Popper," New York Review of Books 21, no. 7 (May 2, 1974)

"Popper's ideas represent the most important development in the philosophy of the twentieth century; an achievement in the tradition—and on the level—of Hume, Kant, or Whewell. Personally, my debt to him is immeasurable; more than anyone else, he changed my life. I was nearly forty when I got into the magnetic field of his intellect. His philosophy helped me to make a final break with the Hegelian outlook which I had held for nearly twenty years."

—Imre Lakatos

"Popper is a great and humane thinker, who has devoted his intellectual life to a rigorous examination of the conditions of scientific and social progress. He is in the great tradition of those thinkers, and those writers, who are not utopians, nor pessimists, but meliorists—spurred on not by the love of fame, but by the determination to do their best with whatever is at hand."

—Lord Edward Boyle

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