The Bakırçay valley is one of the large east-west trending graben landscapes in western Anatolia. The ruins of Pergamon (modern Bergama), situated at the northern fringe of the valley, are the most outstanding example of the numerous... more
The Bakırçay valley is one of the large east-west trending graben landscapes in western Anatolia. The ruins of Pergamon (modern Bergama), situated at the northern fringe of the valley, are the most outstanding example of the numerous archaeological sites within this old cultural landscape. The Bakırçay valley has not yet been studied from the paleogeographical and geoarchaeological points of view. This study aims at the reconstruction of the middle to late Holocene landscape development in the western hinterland of Pergamon and thus of the western Bakırçay valley. Furthermore, interactions between landscape changes, human settlement and land use activity are investigated. Geomorphological, sedimentological, and geophysical investigations are coupled with archaeological research with close cooperation between the DFG (German Research Foundation) cluster of Excellence Topoi, the Pergamon excavation of the German Archaeological Institute and the DFG Priority Programme 1209 ‘The Hellenistic polis as a living space’.
Three select landscape compartments of the western Bakırçay valley were investigated in detailed case studies: (i) The surroundings of the ancient polis of Atarneus, a hilltop settlement near the Aegean coast. (ii) The valley of the Geyikli, the westernmost perennial tributary of the Bakırçay. (iii) The environs of the archaeological site ‘Teut114’ with buried wall structures of unknown function in the central Bakırçay valley.
These case studies revealed approximately four millennia of the landscape and settlement history of the Bakırçay valley. The landscape was remarkably stable during this period. (i) The sedimentary plains surrounding the settlement hill of Atarneus were aggraded by braided and meandering rivers. Colluviation and alluvial fan deposition occurred at the foot-slopes. Sedimentation totalled approximately 5 to 7 m, showing evidence of a “drowning” of the landscape in terrestrial sediments. In general, the depositional system did not change. This striking resistance to the changing settlement and land use intensity is an effect of the modification of the slopes through terracing that countervailed erosion and likewise increased the buffering capacity of sediment storage on the slopes. There is no evidence that landscape deterioration contributed to the abandonment of Atarneus. Rather, socio-economic factors were crucial for the rise and fall. (ii) The Lower Geyikli Valley was inhabited by a braided river with a highly dynamic depositional system. Sedimentation totalled approximately 4 to 6 m. Only in recent times, gravel mining has led to a deformation of the valley floor, and the Geyikli’s fluvial terrace has become inactive. (iii) In the middle Holocene, the site ‘Teut114’ was situated on a depositional piedmont plain, which was protected from the annual Bakırçay floods. Over the past two millennia, the Bakırçay flood plain was continuously aggraded, and the site became prone to flooding.
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Landscape archaeological research has been undertaken on the mound of Barcın Höyük in northwest Anatolia, Turkey. It is the oldest Neolithic site in the region, making it of particular interest in regard to the spread of farming from the... more
Landscape archaeological research has been undertaken on the mound of Barcın Höyük in northwest Anatolia, Turkey. It is the oldest Neolithic site in the region, making it of particular interest in regard to the spread of farming from the regions of origin (southeast and central Anatolia) to northwest Anatolia. This study shows that the site was founded approximately 8550 a cal BP on a natural elevation in a generally wet environment, at the edge of a retreating lake. The site was subject to environmental shifts in younger periods, with a phase of arid conditions and erosion at least prior to the Bronze Age, succeeded by a phase of more humid conditions and rising lake levels mostly in the last two millennia, and finally a return to arid conditions and declining lake levels. Considering the Neolithic environmental conditions, the local environment of Barcın Höyük resembled the local environment of Çatalhöyük, a central Anatolian site. This suggests that despite the general differences between the regions, the earliest sedentary population of northwest Anatolia favoured local conditions similar to those of central Anatolia, while younger sites in the aforementioned region diverge to slightly different localities.
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En région aride comme ailleurs, les besoins en eau des hommes comme de la plupart des animaux d’élevage sont quotidiens. Les nomades et leurs troupeaux peuvent résoudre le problème en se déplaçant de manière à s’abreuver à des points... more
En région aride comme ailleurs, les besoins en eau des
hommes comme de la plupart des animaux d’élevage sont
quotidiens. Les nomades et leurs troupeaux peuvent résoudre
le problème en se déplaçant de manière à s’abreuver à des
points d’eau, sous réserve que ces derniers ne soient pas
trop distants. Quant aux populations sédentaires, liées à la
terre, elles doivent pourvoir à ces besoins sur place 1.
En région steppique, l’offre de la nature est, sur ce
plan, réduite et ne répond que peu à ces exigences pourtant
vitales. Dans les Marges arides de la Syrie du Nord, le
climat méditerranéen, dégradé 2, se traduit par une longue
saison chaude (5 à 6 mois, parfois plus) privée de pluies,
alors que l’évapotranspiration potentielle atteint des valeurs
très largement supérieures au total des précipitations. Sous
des sols souvent minces et érodés, les substrats géologiques
et les formations superficielles y sont généralement peu
aptes à la rétention des eaux, soit du fait de leur capacité
d’absorption (chapes basaltiques fissurées, couvertures
alluvio-colluviales), soit du fait de leur compacité
(affleurement de roches massives, dalles superficielles
cimentées). Dans les deux cas, le ruissellement à la surface
est limité dans l’espace et, surtout, dans le temps.
L’accès direct à l’eau libre est donc restreint à de rares
points (sources) ou à de brefs moments (crues d’oueds
ordinairement secs), voire à des lieux où cette eau se révèle
inutilisable parce que salée (lacs salés ou sebkhas). La
répartition spatiale de ces accès à l’eau se révèle enfin très
irrégulière, laissant de vastes secteurs impropres à l’installation
humaine du fait de l’indigence des ressources directes.
Afin de répondre aux exigences alimentaires
quotidiennes, il faut donc, en l’absence de ressource
suffisante, être en mesure d’accéder aux réserves naturelles
souterraines (puits) ou de stocker l’eau des précipitations. Ce
stockage peut être réalisé sur les pentes (mares aménagées,
citernes, etc.) ou dans les talwegs (barrages, birkés, etc.).
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The Ardales Cave is known for its rich record of Palaeolithic cave art. Although bones including a human Mandibula and artefacts were found in the cave, it has never systematically been tested, whether the cave deposits themselves may... more
The Ardales Cave is known for its rich record of Palaeolithic
cave art. Although bones including a human Mandibula and
artefacts were found in the cave, it has never systematically
been tested, whether the cave deposits themselves may represent
valuable objects for archaeological research. Also,
the use of the “galarias altas” as a burial place during the
Holocene raises the question how this gallery was accessed
in the past. On the hillslope above the “galarias
altas“ we conducted 14 vibracorings to find evidence for a
second entrance. Also, we prepared several profiles within
the alluvial cone of the entrance hall and took selected
samples for sedimentological, geochemical and micromorphological
investigations, as well as radiocarbon dating.
Research Interests:
Four samples were dated by luminescence in the Cologne Luminescence Laboratory (CLL) to provide information on the geochronological context of an earth oven exposed on a tidal flat close to Katka in the south eastern Sundarbans,... more
Four samples were dated by luminescence in the Cologne Luminescence Laboratory (CLL) to provide information on the geochronological context
of an earth oven exposed on a tidal flat close to Katka in the south eastern Sundarbans, Bangladesh. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) on
quartz was used to determine the last heating of the oven walls to more than 400 °C. This temperature is assumed to thermally erase the natural
luminescence signal of the sediments and to reset the luminescence clock to zero. Samples were taken from the oven walls using metal cylinders
and then prepared for OSL quartz measurements. Two different grain sizes (4-11 and 40-63 μm) were prepared to elaborate the influence of the
thermal resetting to the signal intensities and the precision of the equivalent dose (De) determination.
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The transition from hunter-gatherers to early food producing communities in Northwestern Africa is documented in few archaeological sites. Recently the sediment sequence of Ifri Oudadane (IOD, 45 m a.s.l.) gave insights into Late... more
The transition from hunter-gatherers to early food producing
communities in Northwestern Africa is documented in few archaeological
sites. Recently the sediment sequence of Ifri
Oudadane (IOD, 45 m a.s.l.) gave insights into Late
Epipalaeolithic/ Early Neolithic occupations at the Moroccan
coast documenting the onset of livestock penning in the area
(e.g., Linstädter and Kehl 2012). New excavations at the rock
shelter of Ifri N’Etsedda (INES, 303 m a.s.l.), located at less
than 10 km linear distance to the sea but separated from the
coast by the Kebdana Mountain range (~600 m a.s.l.) yield
information on contemporaneous occupations further inland.
We here present results of micromorphological investigations
on both sequences, which shed light on their mineral and organic
constituents, as well as processes of sediment formation
and post-depositional alteration. This information should
help elucidating the usage of these rock shelters and subsistence
practices during the early to middle Holocene.
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Siliceous scoria droplets, measuring from 1 to 10 mm, from one late Pleistocene and four early Holocene archaeological sites in northern Syria are compared to similar droplets previously suggested to be the result of a cosmic impact at... more
Siliceous scoria droplets, measuring from 1 to 10 mm, from one late Pleistocene and four early Holocene archaeological sites in northern Syria are compared to similar droplets previously suggested to be the result of a cosmic impact at the onset of the Younger Dryas global cooling event. The findings demonstrate that the presence of siliceous scoria droplets are independent of age and thus are not specific to the beginning of the Younger Dryas. Occurrences have not been reported from natural deposits, but are instead associated with buildings destroyed by fire and thus appear to be restricted to archaeological sites. We therefore conclude that melting of building earth in ancient settlements can occur during fires reaching modest temperatures. There is no evidence to suggest that siliceous scoria droplets result from very high temperature melting of soil and are the result of a cosmic event.
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... at the 2015 workshop of the Kiel Graduate School, March 24-27:
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Jackson, D., R. Seguel, C. Méndez, A. Maldonado, I. Murillo, L. Núñez 2014. Geoarqueología en ambientes costeros y paisajes patrimoniales de la costa del Choapa. Guía de campo: II Taller de Geoarqueología de América Latina, editado por:... more
Jackson, D., R. Seguel, C. Méndez, A. Maldonado, I. Murillo, L. Núñez 2014. Geoarqueología en ambientes costeros y paisajes patrimoniales de la costa del Choapa. Guía de campo: II Taller de Geoarqueología de América Latina, editado por: R. Seguel y D. Jackson. 125 pp. (Producto del proyecto FONDECYT 1140824).
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