Teknolojinin gelişmesi ile birlikte işletmelerde bilgi teknolojilerinin kullanılması da yaygınlaşmıştır. Bilgi teknolojileri iş gereği olarak kullanıldığı gibi bazen de amaç dışında internette gezinme, sosyal medya takibi gibi amaçlarla... more
Teknolojinin gelişmesi ile birlikte işletmelerde bilgi teknolojilerinin kullanılması da
yaygınlaşmıştır. Bilgi teknolojileri iş gereği olarak kullanıldığı gibi bazen de amaç dışında internette
gezinme, sosyal medya takibi gibi amaçlarla kullanılabilmektedir. Bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin
işyerinde işletme amaçları dışında kullanımı sanal kaytarma olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Araştırmanın
amacı, sanal kaytarma davranışlarının çalışanların örgütsel öğrenme yetenekleri/kapasitesi üzerindeki
etkisini ölçmeye yöneliktir. Araştırma sonucunda, önemli sanal kaytarma davranışlarının çalışanların
katılımcı karar alma ve dış çevre ile etkileşimden kaynaklanan örgütsel öğrenme kapasitesini pozitif
yönde etkilediği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bu durum örgütte verimlilik kaybına neden olan kaytarma
davranışlarının, örgütsel öğrenme kapasitesine olumlu etkilerinin de olabildiğini ortaya koymuştur.
Araştırmanın bilim ve iş dünyasına katkısı yönüyle baktığımızda ise, bu araştırma ile örgütsel öğrenme
yeteneklerine katkıda bulunan sanal kaytarma davranışlarının yasaklanmaktan ziyade işletme yararına
nasıl yönlendirilebileceği sorusu gündeme gelmiştir.
Research Interests:
Creative solutions are of vital importance for organizations, where competition is inevitable to survive. Right at this point; innovative constructive deviants are forefront warriors of this competition. Innovative constructive deviance,... more
Creative solutions are of vital importance for organizations, where competition is inevitable to survive. Right at this point;
innovative constructive deviants are forefront warriors of this competition. Innovative constructive deviance, as a sub-dimension of
constructive deviance, is one of the most important research areas in the current literature. Although this construct dates back to two
decades ago, there are still a paucity of studies in the literature that investigates its antecedents and consequences. In this study, we
propose a model of complex relations among the risk-taking propensity as an independent variable, the network building as a
mediating variable, the perceived organizational support as a moderating variable, and the innovative constructive deviance as the
dependent variable. The sample of this study consists of 172 civil servants working in various sectors in Istanbul. Findings show
that, network building fully mediates the relationship between risk taking propensity and innovative constructive deviance. On the
other hand, the proposed moderated mediation analysis was also supported because of the significant interaction between risk
taking propensity and perceived organizational support. Managerial and practical implications are forwarded.
Research Interests:
Today‟s organizations are more flexible, creative, innovative and decentralized than past organizations. Constructive deviant workplace behaviors have a vital importance for organizations in terms of their positive effects. Although... more
Today‟s organizations are more flexible, creative, innovative and decentralized than past organizations. Constructive deviant workplace behaviors have a vital importance for organizations in terms of their positive effects. Although numerous researchers in the literature have tried to determine and clarify antecedents and consequences of constructive deviant behaviors, studies on  both psychological ownership and constructive deviance are limited. In this respect, after a literature review on the concept of constructive workplace deviance, this paper provides a theoretical framework on some rarely studied predictors (i.e. psychological ownership, participative decision making, person-organization fit, idealism, justice perception), where psychological ownership is supposed to play a mediator role. Managerial and further research implications are provided.
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İşletme içerisinde açık veya örtülü olarak bilgisayar ve internetin hangi durumlarda kullanılabileceği ve hangi içeriklere ulaşılması halinde haklı veya derhal fesih sebebi doğuracağı, araştırmanın temel problemidir. Ayrıca alan yazında... more
İşletme içerisinde açık veya örtülü olarak bilgisayar ve internetin hangi durumlarda kullanılabileceği ve hangi içeriklere ulaşılması halinde haklı veya derhal fesih sebebi doğuracağı, araştırmanın temel problemidir. Ayrıca alan yazında ulusal hukuk esas alınarak hazırlanmış herhangi bir akademik yayın olmaması, araştırmanın yapılma ihtiyacını doğurmuştur. Bu hususta Yargıtay 9. Hukuk Dairesi tarafından alınan, karar tarihi 1997-2012 yılları arasındaki 22 emsal karar, 4857 sayılı İş Kanunu ve 5237 sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu’nun ilgili maddeleri araştırma kapsamında değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak çalışanların iyi niyet ve ahlak kurallarına uymayan davranışları nedeniyle güven temeli çökmüş ve iş ilişkisine devam etmek işveren açısından çekilmez hale gelmişse, bu durumda işverenin İş Kanunu’nun 25. maddesine göre haklı nedenle derhal fesih hakkı doğmaktadır. Ancak çalışanın kaytarma davranışları güven temelini bozacak ağırlıkta bulunmamakla birlikte işin normal işleyişini bozuyor, işyerindeki uyumu olumsuz yönde etkiliyor ve işverenden de iş ilişkisini yürütmesi normal olarak beklenemiyorsa, İş Kanunu’nun 18. maddesi gereği geçerli fesih hakkı doğmaktadır.
Research Interests:
Destructive deviant workplace behaviors are getting more and more important in today’s business world. Although numerous researchers in the literature have tried to determine and clarify antecedents and consequences of deviant behaviors,... more
Destructive deviant workplace behaviors are getting more and more important in today’s business world. Although numerous
researchers in the literature have tried to determine and clarify antecedents and consequences of deviant behaviors, studies on both alienation and deviance are limited. In this respect after a comprehensive literature review on the concept of workplace deviance, this paper provides a theoretical framework on some rarely studied predictors (i.e. person-organization fit, participative decision making, careerism) of it, where work alienation plays a mediator role. Managerial and further research implications are provided.
Research Interests:
Today’s organizations are more flexible, creative, innovative and decentralized than past organizations. At this point, constructive deviant workplace behaviors have vital importance for organizations in terms of its positive effects.... more
Today’s organizations are more flexible, creative, innovative and decentralized than past organizations. At this point, constructive deviant workplace behaviors have vital importance for organizations in terms of its positive effects. Although numerous researchers in the literature have tried to determine and clarify antecedents and consequences of constructive deviant
behaviors, studies on both psychological ownership and constructive deviance are limited. In this respect after the literature review on the concept of constructive workplace deviance, this paper provides a theoretical framework on some rarely studied predictors (i.e. psychological ownership, participative decision making, person-organization fit, idealism, justice perception) of it, where psychological ownership plays a mediator role. Managerial and further research implications are
Research Interests:
Effectiveness and efficiency have always been one of the main concerns for organizations. These concepts are commonly used for processes, products, machineries, etc. However, it is obvious that these concepts are also related with the... more
Effectiveness and efficiency have always been one of the main concerns for organizations. These concepts are commonly used for processes, products, machineries, etc. However, it is obvious that these concepts are also related with the employees and their
behaviors. Given the organizations’ profit maximization policies, the employee related efficiency losses has been an important
concern. At this point, because of its harmful effects, the presence of destructive deviant workplace behaviors is a pivotal factor for
organizations. Destructive deviant workplace behaviors are one of the most striking negative behaviors, which threaten the wellbeing of organization as a whole. This paper provides a proposed model on some rarely studied predictors (i.e. careerism, relativism, Machiavellianism and moral disengagement) of destructive deviant workplace behaviors, where moral disengagement
plays a mediator role. Managerial and further research implications are also discussed.
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Rok panjang kerja yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kerja kantoran Anda...
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Rok panjang murah yang dapat teman-teman dapatkan dengan kualitas terbaik dari kami ZethaIndonnesia
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Legging murah dengan kualitas tinggi kami sediakan untuk sahabat Zetha yang selalu setia kepada kami
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Assessing the value of materials, lifecycle and applications was central to the European Union INTERREG IV project BRIDGE (Building Research and Innovation Deals for the Green Economy) 2011–2014. Here, the complex philosophies of... more
Assessing the value of materials, lifecycle and applications was central to the European Union INTERREG IV project BRIDGE (Building Research and Innovation Deals for the Green Economy) 2011–2014. Here, the complex philosophies of sustainability (protection of people, profit and planet) underpinned innovation, knowledge transfer, data visualization and design thinking, to develop green entrepreneurs, and market differentiation in Southern England and Northern France Channel regions.
The model followed transdisciplinary collaborative research methods resulting in ‘green best practice’, which
was visualized and disseminated extensively via digital technologies, mixed media and exhibitions. Information generated by the research was debated and shared at cross-channel conferences, business-to-business, incubation events, workshops and research exchange visits focussing on two materials: textiles and wood, sourced in the UK and France. Partners came from universities, regional authorities, non-governmental organisations and business communities to discuss the economic, environmental and societal value of these regional materials and innovative proofs of concept, eco and sustainable design products, processes, services and material experiments were generated from this collaborative peer learning, community of practice approach. More sustainable proof of concept products and systems were developed by knowledgeable practitioners which embody an understanding of green business, where the philosophical rationales and complexity of ethics, climate change and waste issues, for example, were communicated through materials and objects to expert and non-expert audiences and consumers. This embodiment and honest communication of knowledge in a product is a unique selling point, creating market value and consumer differentiation through narrative. Stakeholders exchanged complex data, methods and ideas towards developing green employment opportunities, informing
a research theme for UK and EU funders to the year 2020 and beyond.
This is a descriptive narrative on the evolvement of the project which enables incisive, reflective and theoretical analysis to take place simultaneously in other publishing areas to assess the longer term impact and value of BRIDGE in subsequent transdisciplinary projects. This work contributes to literature on value and use of materials with a focus on collaboration, design, innovation, applied research and societal benefit to develop green employment.
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‘Flax: increasing its value for society’ was the challenge posed by cross-border researchers funded by the European Union INTERREG IV A France (Channel)—England call, as the ancient flax fiber had seen a dramatic decline in consumer... more
‘Flax: increasing its value for society’ was the challenge posed by cross-border researchers funded by the European Union INTERREG IV A France (Channel)—England call, as the ancient flax fiber had seen a dramatic decline in consumer appeal and market share. The resulting collaboration, ProjectFlax, deliv- ered new innovations where novel applications in sustainable materials for human and environmental wellbeing produced premium products from an unexpected plant source. Could value in future be defined and measured not just by the aesthetics of the artefact, but by assessing the true value of materials using a holistic narrative in relation to process, the philosophy and sustainability of the application? This assess- ment is, we argue, new luxury. The purpose of this chapter is to show that flax was an unexpected source of innovation for societal advantage, appealing to consum- ers who desired a deeper material meaning and product differentiation—character- istics afforded by traditional expensive luxury brands. The collaboration between design, science, technology, engineering, mathematics and business (D-STEM-B) combined discipline methodologies, which resulted in new thinking and problem solving. Case study, desk-based, laboratory, practice-led, field study, quantitative, qualitative, narrative and observational methods were explored by 20 national and international, commercial and institutional flax researchers. The findings included improved agricultural and industrial production methods, composites, foodstuffs, biodegradable packaging, bio materials, fashion and interior product prototypes. The research has contributed to a knowledge transfer toolbox between D-STEM-B partners and advanced transdisciplinary working methods, which resulted in further successful funding applications and new market opportunities for flax.
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Business Analysis- Decision Analysis
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Business Analysis- Causal Models and Regression Analysis
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Want to know who is calling by reverse phone # look up engine. For more visit http://search-usa.ws/reverse-phone/
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An overview of the current regulatory environment. *This is not legal advice and is written by a non-attorney. This is general information from a student in law school (MSJ program).
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