Contemporary Art (Larry Qualls Archive)

Artstor is digitizing and will distribute more than 100,000 images from Larry Qualls' unique archive of contemporary art images. For nearly three decades, Larry Qualls has been systematically documenting contemporary art exhibitions at galleries and other exhibition spaces throughout New York City and elsewhere. His slides have been an indispensable source of contemporary art images for art historians teaching modern and contemporary art. The archive represents an encyclopedic overview of New York City contemporary art exhibitions in the last quarter of the 20th century and the early years of the 21st, documenting prominent, emerging, and aspiring artists. Artstor is also helping to sponsor Qualls' ongoing effort to continue photographing New York gallery shows. According to Qualls: "Not only will my work be preserved for generations to come, but the digitization will make the images available widely and in better and more stable form than could ever have been possible with film technology."   The entire archive will be scanned and made available systematically, beginning with the Fall 2001 and Winter 2002 gallery seasons. Subsequent releases in Artstor will progressively document earlier gallery seasons. More recent seasons will also be released as they are photographed and cataloged by Qualls. Because of copyright considerations, only images of works by artists represented by artists' rights groups with which Artstor has existing agreements — the Artists Rights Society (ARS) and the Société des auteurs dans les arts graphiques et plastiques (ADAGP) — or with individual artists with whom Artstor has reached agreements, may be made available internationally. Artstor expects that vast majority of the archive will be made available in the United States.

The entire archive will be scanned and made available systematically, beginning with the Fall 2001 and Winter 2002 gallery seasons. Subsequent releases in Artstor will progressively document earlier gallery seasons. More recent seasons will also be released as they are photographed and cataloged by Qualls. Because of copyright considerations, only images of works by artists represented by artists' rights groups with which Artstor has existing agreements — the Artists Rights Society (ARS) and the Société des auteurs dans les arts graphiques et plastiques (ADAGP) — or with individual artists with whom Artstor has reached agreements, may be made available internationally. Artstor expects that vast majority of the archive will be made available in the United States.