The Washington Post

'Every .1 or .2 degrees in temperature is as dangerous as any other,' said the lead study author.

Tim Cook's move will extend typically professional-level perks to the lowest ranks.

A teenager was beaten to death at Word of Life Christian Church in New Hartford, N.Y., and his parents are among the accused.


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Fewer than one in ten gun owners are NRA members.

The best is yet to come, the scientists say.

The longest-serving Republican House speaker is charged with lying to prosecutors and violating banking laws to cover up payments he allegedly made to hide past sexual "misconduct."

There will be no cost-of-living increase coming in January, but Medicare premiums are expected to rise for some.

A NIST scientist is on the cutting edge of physics: A circuitry system that uses the flow of atoms rather than electrons

  • Partnership for Public Service
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  • Federal Eye
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  • 2 hours ago
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In a significant shift, the president drops ambitions to bring U.S. troops home before he leaves office.

I have teared up in disbelief at this tiny miracle God put me in charge of.

Forecast is sharply lower than other government estimates.

Questions about a secretive 'breakthrough' technology

Medical experts said a baby born that premature would have a 99 percent chance for survival with medical treatment.

A new study finds that caffeinated nectars leave bees buzzing for more.

Flesh-eating beetles are a museum's best friend.

Amid violence, an Israeli soldier brings food to young Arab girl searching through garbage.

a) The old SAT? b) The new SAT? c) The ACT? or d) All of the above?

Two graduate students suggest an alternative way to measure how often sexual violence happens at college.

The public's support for Donald Trump makes a lot of sense, psychologists say.

Not every anomaly is caused by Little Green Men.

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