The Washington Post

Trump on nominating his sister to the Supreme Court: "I would love to, but I think she would be the one to say, 'No way, no way.'"

Cruz has been slamming his former friend for months

The White House hopeful called the clerk Wednesday.



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Whatever a Supreme Court justice wishes for, someone is usually happy to provide.

Walker says he still supports a constitutional amendment but acknowledged Friday that success would be difficult to achieve.

Coalition hopes to use momentum from Supreme Court marriage ruling to push ambitious rights legislation.

State judges ruled that the investigation, rooted in a 2012 recall election, was “overbroad and vague.”

As the Boy Scouts of America move toward allowing gay leaders, Walker calls for the ban to continue.

Prominent social conservative believes it might be a good way to draw out presidential candidates on the issue.

How did Iowa’s biggest rivals on same-sex marriage become friends? It started over coffee.

The Supreme Court's 2014-2015 term included a historic ruling on the legality of same-sex marriage and upheld a key part of President Obama's health care law. Here's a look at how justices voted in 13 key cases this term.

  • Katie Park and Robert Barnes
  • ·
  • Jun 30, 2015
  • ·

Former congressman Rick Renzi (R-Ariz.) wanted the court to consider expanding constitutional protections for lawmakers.

Fresh off their legal victory, they hope to target discrimination in housing, financial dealings, employment and other areas.

Cruz is using the court's decisions to bolster his conservative bona fides.

In a 5 to 4 opinion, the Supreme Court ruled that state bans on gay marriage are unconstitutional. Here are five key passages that summarize their opinions.

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