The Washington Post

Ben Carson's weird book hiatus, explained.

The conflict in Afghanistan will outlive Obama's presidency.

A strong showing by the former secretary of state puts pressure on the vice president to make a decision.



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\White House chief technology officer Megan Smith has launched a nationwide search for the original "Declaration of Sentiments," the document signed in July 1848 at the Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, N.Y..

How Clinton's debate performance clouds the Veep's decision.

Vice President Biden is still mulling over a possible 2016 White House bid — but after Hillary Clinton's polished performance in the first Democratic presidential debate, has the window of opportunity closed? The Fix's Chris Cillizza explains where Biden can go from here.

Clinton sticks close to her former boss.

President Obama and his top aides Tuesday mourned the death of former campaign and White House staffer Brandon Lepow, who died Monday night of leukemia.

But the media will still try.

3:55 p.m.

Increasingly, it looks like the bleeding has stopped.

New Post/ABC polling finds that Clinton is the most popular Democrat with Democrats.

The president chats with Marilynne Robinson, a Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist from Iowa.

Not helpful.

Clinton over Sanders, Biden as spoiler and a big racial split in the South.

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