This paper analyzes theological, quantitative and qualitative data regarding the relationships between economic status and religious adherence, with specific reference to Islam and Muslims. At the outset this paper contextualizes poverty... more
This paper analyzes theological, quantitative and qualitative data regarding the relationships between economic status and religious adherence, with specific reference to Islam and Muslims. At the outset this paper contextualizes poverty as theological and legal concepts, as they are expressed within sacred texts of Islam. Secondly, this paper re-examines existing national data on religious adherence and practice from over thirty countries, using support for Islamic law and engagement of ritual prayer as the main indicators. We compare this data with national levels of economic status from the respective years of data collection. Lastly, this paper provides a qualitative case study of the way in which Muslims view the role of poverty and wealth as affecting religious adherence. The findings of the theological, quantitative and qualitative analyses indicate greater complexity than some suggest and indicate that more emphasis needs to be placed on contextualization and qualitative studies for future research.
بدیهی است از این پس، تغییرات ایجاد شده، تغییرات در حال انجام و تغییرات مورد درخواست ،ما را نه تنها به سمت مالکیت دولتی زمین و مسکن و ابزار ارتباطی می برد ، بلکه به سمت تصاحب تمام صنایع توسط دولت سوق می دهد: بخش خصوصی بیش از بیش از رقابت... more
بدیهی است از این پس، تغییرات ایجاد شده، تغییرات در حال انجام و تغییرات مورد درخواست ،ما را نه تنها به سمت مالکیت دولتی زمین و مسکن و ابزار ارتباطی می برد ، بلکه به سمت تصاحب تمام صنایع توسط دولت سوق می دهد: بخش خصوصی بیش از بیش از رقابت با دولت عاجز می شود و دولت می تواند هر چیزی را همان گونه که می خواهد تنظیم کند و سازمان ها و نهادهای خصوصی به تدریج از بین می روند درست مانند مدارس اختیاری که رقابت را به مدارس دولتی باختند. و بدین ترتیب ایده آل مطلوب سوسیالیست ها به تحقق می پیوندد .
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Parens (2015) defends a habit of thinking he calls “binocularity,” which involves switching between analytical lenses (much as one must switch between seeing the duck vs. the rabbit in Wittgenstein’s famous example). Applying this habit... more
Parens (2015) defends a habit of thinking he calls “binocularity,” which involves switching between analytical lenses (much as one must switch between seeing the duck vs. the rabbit in Wittgenstein’s famous example). Applying this habit of thought to a range of debates in contemporary bioethics, Parens urges us to acknowledge the ways in which our personal intuitions and biases shape our thinking about contentious moral issues. In this review of Parens’s latest book, we reflect on our own position as participants in the so-called “enhancement” debates, where a binocular approach could be especially useful. In particular, we consider the case of “love drugs,” a subject on which we have sometimes reached very different conclusions. We finish with an analogy to William James’s (1907) distinction between “tender-minded” rationalists and “tough-minded” empiricists, and draw some general lessons for improving academic discourse.
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The University of Miami Energy Conference will be live streamed! Please join us in 35 hours!
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Kashmir the Crown colony of India If one could describe the Global Political Order, Most of us would say Democracy. But what happens when Democracy becomes Demonocracy? What is Colonization? Well, textbooks broadly call it Territorial... more

Kashmir the Crown colony of India
If one could describe the Global Political Order, Most of us would say Democracy. But what happens when Democracy becomes Demonocracy?
What is Colonization? Well, textbooks broadly call it Territorial Amassment and forcible Retention for Capitalistic gains . Today we see both these dimensions heading towards Sophistication and Advancement.
Colonizers have left India yet we still relish the imprints of colonization. A classic example of this is the case of the Crown colony of Kashmir. A day in Sutejgad is a mixed experience of hospitality in hostility. The story of how years of luring has irked innocents to become volatile.
Set in an internationally sensitive ‘Fringe and Buffer’ zone where promises made ages ago far from being kept, this study emphasizes on how India and Pakistan wants to prolong this gamble of lives for modern Colonial Intrests.
Field Visit to Sutejgad post,Jammu
Literature Review
Personal Interview with the residents of Samb village on the boarder
Personal Interview with farmers who cross the boarder to fields and the Jawans in-charge
Questionnaire ( Drafting )

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An integrated framework showing the elements and steps in the educational research methodology.
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This essay played a significant role in my directing of two Lilly grants on discernment-oriented leadership across 9 different Christian traditions. A Quaker approach to discerning how God speaks includes Scripture, history and tradition,... more
This essay played a significant role in my directing of two Lilly grants on discernment-oriented leadership across 9 different Christian traditions. A Quaker approach to discerning how God speaks includes Scripture, history and tradition, critical analysis and scientific inquiry, personal openings, and corporate discernment. Reference: Quaker Religious Thought #106 (2006): 26-47.
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Religion, Christianity, Sociology of Religion, Philosophy Of Religion, Educational Leadership, and 27 more
La presente investigación analiza el vínculo existente entre la incoherencia de los mensajes emitidos por autoridades políticas y la crisis de las instituciones (públicas y privadas) que aqueja al Perú. Además, realiza una propuesta... more
La presente investigación analiza el vínculo existente entre la incoherencia de los mensajes emitidos por autoridades políticas y la crisis de las instituciones (públicas y privadas) que aqueja al Perú. Además, realiza una propuesta teórica a partir de la cual se pudo construir un modelo semiótico tensivo que retrata el devenir de la variable "confianza" en la población y permite proyectarla a futuro a partir de dos tendencias: la recurrencia en el desengaño y la elasticidad de la confianza. Por último, incide en la situación de conflictividad social actual como preámbulo para la presentación de estrategias de relacionamiento con la comunidad desde el Estado o la empresa privada.

[English] This thesis analyzes a link between the incoherence of messages issued by the political authorities in Peru and Peruvian public and private institutions crisis. Furthermore, it presents a theoretical proposal from which was possible to create a tensive semiotic model that portrayed outcomes of the “trust” variable over the population and allowed projecting them to the future according two trends: recurrence in deception and elasticity of confidence. Finally, points out the situation of the current social conflicts as a prelude for the presentation of relation strategies with the community.
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Evolutie van reële bruto- en nettolonen in België van 1914 tot 2014
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Les « chrétiens d’Orient » sont aujourd’hui au premier plan, dramatique, de l’actualité internationale. Leur histoire donne aussi lieu, depuis quelques années, à des recherches nouvelles, attentives à l’inscription de ces « communautés... more
Les « chrétiens d’Orient » sont aujourd’hui au premier plan, dramatique, de l’actualité internationale. Leur histoire donne aussi lieu, depuis quelques années, à des recherches nouvelles, attentives à l’inscription de ces « communautés chrétiennes » dans leurs contextes. La sortie de l’ère postcoloniale et les crises des États-nations au Proche-Orient ont donné une légitimité inédite à une approche des sociétés sous l’angle de leurs minorités, partant d’une nouvelle compréhension des notions de « frontières », confessionnelles ou ethniques, et des interactions entre « majorité » et « minorités ».
Les articles présentés ici portent sur l’Egypte, la Syrie, la Jordanie et la Turquie. Ils envisagent les chrétiens non pas comme des minoritaires victimes des aléas politiques, mais comme des acteurs participant à la vie politique, intellectuelle et culturelle de leurs sociétés. Surtout ils éclairent les fonctionnements internes des communautés chrétiennes et de leurs institutions qui, loin de s’être fossilisées dans des traditions immuables, aménagent constamment leur rapport à l’histoire et aux langues constitutives de leur identité, et profitent d’un dynamisme spirituel marqué, suivant les lieux et les milieux sociaux, par des influences occidentales et une individualisation du croire. Ils font également apparaître le rôle des diasporas dans les recompositions du fait chrétien au Proche-Orient.
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Essay in the eighth Dark Mountain anthology - Techne.
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