Population of Alaska:
Census 2010 and 2000 Interactive Map, Demographics, Statistics, Quick Facts

Interactive Map of Alaska - Census Viewer

Compare population statistics about the State of Alaska by race, age, gender, Latino/Hispanic origin etc. CensusViewer delivers detailed demographics and population statistics from the 2010 Census, 2000 Census, American Community Survey (ACS), registered voter files, commercial data sources and more.

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Alaska - Overview 2010 Census 2000 Census 2000-2010 Change
Counts Percentages Counts Percentages Change Percentages
Total Population
Total Population 710,231 100.00% 626,932 100.00% 83,299 13.29%
Population by Race
American Indian and Alaska native alone 104,871 14.77% 98,043 15.64% 6,828 6.96%
Asian alone 38,135 5.37% 25,116 4.01% 13,019 51.84%
Black or African American alone 23,263 3.28% 21,787 3.48% 1,476 6.77%
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific native alone 7,409 1.04% 3,309 0.53% 4,100 123.90%
Some other race alone 11,102 1.56% 9,997 1.59% 1,105 11.05%
Two or more races 51,875 7.30% 34,146 5.45% 17,729 51.92%
White alone 473,576 66.68% 434,534 69.31% 39,042 8.98%
Population by Hispanic or Latino Origin (of any race)
Persons Not of Hispanic or Latino Origin 670,982 94.47% 601,080 95.88% 69,902 11.63%
Persons of Hispanic or Latino Origin 39,249 5.53% 25,852 4.12% 13,397 51.82%
Population by Gender
Female 340,603 47.96% 302,820 48.30% 37,783 12.48%
Male 369,628 52.04% 324,112 51.70% 45,516 14.04%
Population by Age
Persons 0 to 4 years 53,996 7.60% 47,591 7.59% 6,405 13.46%
Persons 5 to 17 years 133,382 18.78% 143,126 22.83% -9,744 -6.81%
Persons 18 to 64 years 467,915 65.88% 400,516 63.89% 67,399 16.83%
Persons 65 years and over 54,938 7.74% 35,699 5.69% 19,239 53.89%

Alaska Registered Voters - Overview Statistics and Quick Facts

CensusViewer - Graphs & Tables: Race by Age

CensusViewer - Graphs & Tables: Hispanic/Latino Origin

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