American Academy for Jewish Research

Publisher Description

The Academy represents the oldest organization of Judaic scholars in North America. Fellows are nominated and elected by their peers and thus constitute the most distinguished and most senior scholars teaching Judaic studies at American universities. The Academy sponsors the following programs: An annual seminar for graduate students; a post-doctoral fellowship; the Baron prize for the best first book in the fields of Judaic studies, a bi-annual retreat for fellows; and several academic sessions conducted each year at the annual meeting of the Association for Jewish Studies. As the senior organization for Jewish scholarship on this continent, it is committed to enhancing Judaic studies throughout North American universities by creating a dynamic fellowship for its members and by providing programs and opportunities for more junior scholars and students entering the field.

Journals in JSTOR from American Academy for Jewish Research
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research 1928 - 1997


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