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Dennis J. Minchella
ASP Secretary/Treasurer
Purdue University
Department of Biological Sciences
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
Phone: (765) 494-8188
Fax: (765) 494-0876

The American Society of Parasitologists

Publisher Description

The American Society of Parasitologists (ASP) is an international scientific society that publishes the Journal of Parasitology, holds annual meetings for the exchange of information, conducts student paper competitions, gives awards for research and mentoring excellence, and gives small grants to student members for research and travel. The society was founded in 1924 and currently has about a thousand members from 51 countries. Meetings are held periodically in conjunction with those of other societies. ASP also cooperates with a number of regional societies whose activities mirror those of ASP but on a smaller scale. Information about ASP, including history and officers, is available at

Journals in JSTOR from The American Society of Parasitologists
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
The Journal of Parasitology 1914 - 2013