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 My email address isn’t recognized. Can I still sign up?

ResearchGate is a professional network where scientists and researchers can share and access scientific output, knowledge, and expertise. We ask that you sign up with your institutional email address so that we can verify that you are a researcher – you can always change it after sign-up.

If you have an institutional email address that we don’t recognize, please follow the normal registration procedure to request an account.

If you’re a published researcher but don’t have an institutional email address, we’re happy to look into your account request manually. Please contact us with details of your present and past institutional affiliations, field of research, and publications, preferably with supporting links.

If you’re not a researcher, you can still browse ResearchGate and discover content such as publications, jobs, and questions without being registered. 

 I haven't received the account activation email

Please ensure that the activation email did not end up in your junk mail folder. If it's not there, we suggest that you add ResearchGate to your address book or "safe senders" list.

If you still cannot find your activation email, you should contact your network administrator to ensure that emails from can be received.

Once you've completed all of these suggestions, you can request another activation email.