International Council for Traditional Music

Publisher Description

The International Council for Traditional Music is an Non-Governmental Organisation in formal consultative relations with UNESCO. Its aims are to further the study, practice, documentation, preservation and dissemination of traditional music —including folk, popular, classical and urban music— and dance of all countries. To these ends the Council organises World Conferences, Symposia and Colloquia.

The Council publishes the Yearbook for Traditional Music (available to institutions via JSTOR), the online Bulletin of the ICTM, and maintains an online Membership Directory. It also supervises the preparation and publication of journals and bulletins.

Through its wide international representation the Council acts as a bond among peoples of different cultures and thus serves the peace of humankind.

Journals in JSTOR from International Council for Traditional Music
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Yearbook for Traditional Music 1981 - 2015
Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council 1969 - 1980
Journal of the International Folk Music Council 1949 - 1968


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International Council for Traditional Music

Department of Musicology
Faculty of Arts
University of Ljubljana
Aškerčeva 2
1000 Ljubljana
Telephone: +1 410 501 5559
Skype: ictmslovenia