Virginia Historical Society

Publisher Description

The VMHB is published by the Virginia Historical Society, a privately supported and endowed educational institution founded in 1831 and headquartered in Richmond, Virginia. The mission of the VHS is to collect, preserve, and interpret the commonwealth's past for the education and enjoyment of present and future generations. With education as its primary focus, it offers public lectures, seminars, conferences, and consulting services; publishes teacher resource materials; conducts teacher training and recertification workshops both on- and off-site; arranges school and general group tours and activities; supports scholarly research through an endowed fellowship program and minority internships; maintains a museum of changing, permanent, and traveling exhibitions; operates a research library and a publications program that has functioned uninterrupted for more than 100 years.

Journals in JSTOR from Virginia Historical Society
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 1893 - 2012


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Virginia Historical Society
P.O. Box 7311
Richmond, VA 23221-0311
Phone: 804.358.4901
Fax: 804.355.2399