Karin Kloosterman

About Karin Kloosterman

Karin’s interests intersect in the worlds of the environment, technology, activism and Middle East politics. Blogging for some of the most influential media outlets in the "green" world, such as TreeHugger, and The Huffington Post, Karin founded Green Prophet to share the enormous potential of new clean technologies, and environmental awareness emanating from the Middle East region. For tips, advertising and editorial inquiries Karin can be reached at [email protected]

Iran’s devastated Lake Urmia wins recognition

Iran’s devastated Lake Urmia wins recognition

Like Israel and Jordan’s Dead Sea, Iran has it’s own inland salty lake called Lake Urmia. Climate change and dam construction has caused its demise to about 10% of its of former glory. Local protestors who have dared called on the government to fix it have been tied up, beaten and tortured. One trusted source I[.....]

Teaching children about the environment

Teaching children about the environment

So, you care about the environment and ensuring that you play your part in preserving the beauty of nature but how do you go about imparting these lessons to your children? It can be challenging for parents to impart these important lessons to their little ones. As the saying goes, “charity begins at home… ”[.....]

Electronic skin helps sensors heal themselves

Electronic skin helps sensors heal themselves

Scientists at the Technion in Israel have used a new kind of synthetic polymer to develop a self-healing, flexible sensor that mimics the self-healing properties of human skin. Future applications could include the creation of self-healing ‘electronic skin’ and prosthetic limbs that allow wearers to ‘feel’ changes in their environments. Flexible sensors have been developed[.....]

Quicargo puts empty trucks back in business

Quicargo puts empty trucks back in business

Quicargo, the latest in startups making old inefficient worlds more sustainable, targets inefficiency in the global transportation industry. The software company reduces empty trucking runs and maximizes trucks’ loading space. As a result, carriers will increase their overall profits for truckers and their companies or contractors and shippers will reduce their shipment costs. At any given moment millions[.....]

Verizon selects 12 Internet of Things startups that may change your world

Verizon selects 12 Internet of Things startups that may change your world

Verizon (NYSE: VZ) is America’s #1 mobile provider and the company just announced finalists for their international Powerful Answers Award which will grant $1 million, $500,000 and $250,000 to the top 3 winning companies in the category Internet of Things (IoT). To break things up Verizon has created 3 categories: the two other categories in[.....]

Grow lettuce like astronauts at American Hydroponics course

Grow lettuce like astronauts at American Hydroponics course

Now that I am  developing flux, a space-age gadget for making hydroponics simple and efficient I can’t help but promote hydroponics everywhere — even and especially hydroponics from space! This week NASA scientists harvested their first space-grown food, grown on water with nutrients using hydroponics. This site is becoming a bit of an address for hydroponics, and we’re[.....]

Small scale farming twice as old as we thought

Small scale farming twice as old as we thought

Until now, researchers believed farming was “invented” some 12,000 years ago in the Cradle of Civilization — Iraq, the Levant, parts of Turkey and Iran — an area that was home to some of the earliest known human civilizations. A new discovery by an international collaboration of researchers from Tel Aviv University, Harvard University, Bar-Ilan[.....]

The things I do to feed the world

The things I do to feed the world

Even the US Customs guy at the New Jersey airport gave me an approving nod: “A technology for hydroponics?” He flips over my business invitation from the NY company to see if there wasn’t something inside. “Well, you know, it’s still,” in a fake finger-wagging voice, “…illegal here?” he says, waiting for my reply. There[.....]

5 ways to stop animal trafficking

5 ways to stop animal trafficking

Wild animals shouldn’t live in palaces, connected to leashes and paraded around streets in the Gulf Region like they are trophies. Dolphins shouldn’t be captured to live in cramped, private pools (read this story on the 4 dolphins living in a filthy pool). Elephants shouldn’t be killed for tusks, or wild birds kidnapped from the[.....]

Yezidis get winter aid from Israelis

Yezidis get winter aid from Israelis

Green Prophet’s own Laurie Balbo has spearheaded relief efforts to warm Syrian refugees in Northern Jordan. She and her partner Virginia Nitz (wife of Green Prophet’s Brian) have single-handedly collected tens of thousands of hand-made hats and winter items to warm the bones and souls of displaced Syrians. In times of trouble, Israelis too are[.....]

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