Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities 2016 - About Us

The "Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities" is released by National Taiwan University, and is also known as the NTU Ranking. The NTU Ranking provides overall ranking, ranking by six fields, and ranking by 14 selected subjects.

The "Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities" is hosted by Dr. Mu-Hsuan Huang, professor of Library and Information Science at National Taiwan University. The aim of this ranking system is to evaluate academic performance by research universities in scientific research through the use of objective indicators. Since 2012, the "Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities" has been individually and officially executed and released by National Taiwan University; the overall ranking, rankings by six fields and rankings by 14 subjects are also provided (the subject of pharmacology and toxicology has been included in the performance ranking since 2012).

This performance ranking was first published in 2007 by the Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT), which makes annual announcement on the top 500 universities. In 2008 and 2009, the performance ranking of the top 300 universities in six fields was also released. In addition to the overall ranking and ranking by fields, the ranking by 10 subjects in science and engineering has been presented since 2010. In 2011, the HEEACT announced the result of the overall ranking, and the performance rankings by field and subject were released separately by National Taiwan University; the subject ranking for the agricultural sciences was also published. The name of the ranking system was also changed from HEEACT to Taiwan Ranking. In 2012, the ranking was renamed as NTU Ranking and independently released by National Taiwan University.

This ranking system evaluates the performance of scientific papers, and the indicators are designed to compare both the quality and quantity of scientific papers from each university. Through examining long-term academic performance and short-term research efforts, we look forward to providing a more objective ranking as a reference for the diverse research performance of universities worldwide.

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