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Plebiscite Results

Electoral System with Majority Support

Mixed Member Proportional Representation
# of Votes 19,418    % of Votes  52.42

Total Valid Votes  37,040

Total number of votes required to acheive threshold  18,521 

Eligible Electors  102,464

Voter Turnout  36.46%


First Round of Counting

Electoral System
# of Votes
First-Past-The-Post (the current system) 11567
Mixed Member Proportional Representation 10757
Dual Member Proportional Representation 7951
Preferential Voting 3944
First-Past-The-Post Plus Leaders -excluded 2821
# votes to be redistributed next round= 2821

Second Round of Counting

Electoral System Original # Votes +Redistributed New Total Votes
First-Past-The-Post (the current system) 11567 1541 13108
Mixed Member Proportional Representation 10757 396 11153
Dual Member Proportional Representation 7951 273 8224
Preferential Voting-excluded 3944 272 4216

#votes redistributed = 2482
Exhausted Ballots = 339
# votes to be redistributed next round= 4216 

Third Round of Counting

Electoral System Second Round Totals +Redistributed New Total Votes
First-Past-The-Post (the current system) 13108 1358 14466
Mixed Member Proportional Representation 11153 1627 12780
Dual Member Proportional Representation-excluded 8224 724 8948

#votes redistributed = 3709
Exhausted Ballots = 507
# votes to be redistributed next round = 8948

Fourth Round of Counting

Electoral System Third Round Totals +Redistributed New Total Votes
Mixed Member Proportional Representation 12780 6638 19418
First-Past-The-Post (the current system) 14466 1403 15869

#votes redistributed = 8041
Exhausted Ballots = 907


Electoral System Fourth Round Totals % of Votes
Mixed Member Proportional Representation 19418 52.42
First-Past-The-Post (the current system) 15869 42.84
Exhausted 1753 4.74

Preferential Voting:(PV)is an electoral system where voters rank all the options on a single ballot according to preference. Voters may rank as few or as many as they wish. To receive majority support an electoral system must receive more than 50% of valid votes.

Excluded: An option is "excluded" from consideration, if it has the lowest amount of votes and another round of counting is required, if no other option reached more than 50% support to acheive the threshold.

Exhausted: A vote or ballot is "exhausted" following the voters choice being "excluded", if there were no further preferences ranked on the voters' ballot or if their next preferred option has already been excluded.

Threshold: The number of valid ballots divided by 2, rounded down to the lowest whole number plus 1.

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