
Law No. 9.610 of February 19, 1998 (Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights)

Year of Version:1998
Date of Entry into Force:June 20, 1998
Date of Text (Enacted):February 19, 1998
Type of Text:Main IP Laws: enacted by the Legislature
Subject Matter:Copyright and Related Rights (Neighboring Rights), Enforcement of IP and Related Laws, IP Regulatory Body, Traditional Cultural Expressions
This law 'amends, updates and consolidates the law on copyright and other provisions.'

The notification by Brazil to the WTO under Article 63.2 of TRIPS states:
'Articles 102, 105, 106 and 109 contain provisions concerning various civil procedures related to copyright and related rights; and Articles 103, 104, 107, 108 and 110 contain provisions concerning civil actions related to the violation of copyright and related rights.'

Esta lei 'altera, atualiza e consolida a legislação sobre direitos autorais e dá outras providências.'
A notificação pelo Brasil à OMC nos termos do artigo 63(2) do Acordo TRIPS:
'Artigos 102, 105, 106 e 109 contêm disposições relativas à diferentes procedimentos civis relativos ao direito de autor e direitos conexos. Os artigos 103, 104, 107, 108 e 110 contêm disposições sobre ações civis relacionadas à violação dos direitos de autor e direitos conexos'.
Available Texts: 

Law No. 9.610 of February 19, 1998 (Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights) Law No. 9.610 of February 19, 1998 (Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights), Complete document (pdf) [352 KB]


Loi n° 9610 du 19 février 1998 (loi sur le droit d’auteur et les droits voisins) Loi n° 9610 du 19 février 1998 (loi sur le droit d’auteur et les droits voisins), Complete document (pdf) [129 KB]


Lei n.° 9.610 de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998 (Lei dos Direitos Autorais) Lei n.° 9.610 de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998 (Lei dos Direitos Autorais), Complete document (pdf) [101 KB] Lei n.° 9.610 de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998 (Lei dos Direitos Autorais), Complete document (htm) [115 KB] (Version with Automatic Translation Tool)

Related Legislation:
Historical Versions:
WIPO Lex No.:BR002

