British School at Rome

Publisher Description

The British School at Rome (BSR) is a centre for research on the archaeology, history, and culture of Italy, and for contemporary art and architecture. It serves the needs of scholars and fine artists from the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. The BSR is one of the research institutes sponsored by the British Academy, and is one of a large group of international academies in Rome.

The BSR promotes residential awards for research in the archaeology, history, art history, society and culture of Italy; residential awards for visual, artists and architects; a programme of exhibitions, especially in contemporary art; an interdisciplinary programme of lectures and conferences; research projects, including archaeological fieldwork; a specialist research library; a publications programme; short specialist taught courses.

Journals in JSTOR from British School at Rome
1 Journal in JSTOR Date Range
Papers of the British School at Rome 1902 - 2015

The British School at Rome
at The British Academy
10 Carlton House Terrace
Telephone: 020 7969 5202