Weather Belfast

Daily forecast
Day Weather Maximum Day Temperature Minimum Night Temperature Wind Direction and Speed

Light Cloud

16°C 61°F 11°C 52°F Easterly
Wind Speed 11 km/h 7 mph

Light Cloud

15°C 59°F 8°C 46°F South Westerly
Wind Speed 16 km/h 10 mph

Sunny Intervals

15°C 59°F 10°C 50°F South South Westerly
Wind Speed 19 km/h 12 mph

Light Rain

18°C 64°F 9°C 48°F South South Westerly
Wind Speed 24 km/h 15 mph

Light Cloud

16°C 61°F 9°C 48°F South Westerly
Wind Speed 19 km/h 12 mph



Sunrise 05:24 Sunset 21:17

Last updated 12:09

Weather forecast details for Friday 12 May. Each column contains hourly forecast details for weather conditions, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, visibility and pressure.
Time 1300 hours1400 hours1500 hours1600 hours1700 hours1800 hours1900 hours2000 hours2100 hours2200 hours2300 hours0000 hours
0100 hours0200 hours0300 hours0400 hours0500 hours       
Weather Conditions Light Cloud Light Cloud Light Cloud Light Cloud Light Cloud Light Cloud Light Rain Light Rain Heavy Rain Light Rain Light Rain Thick Cloud Thick Cloud Thick Cloud Thick Cloud Thick Cloud Thick Cloud        
Temperature (°C/°F) 13°C 55°F 14°C 57°F 15°C 59°F 15°C 59°F 15°C 59°F 15°C 59°F 14°C 57°F 13°C 55°F 13°C 55°F 12°C 54°F 12°C 54°F 12°C 54°F 11°C 52°F 11°C 52°F 11°C 52°F 11°C 52°F 11°C 52°F        
Wind Speed (mph/km/h) Wind Speed 11 km/h 7 mph Easterly Wind Speed 11 km/h 7 mph East South Easterly Wind Speed 11 km/h 7 mph East South Easterly Wind Speed 10 km/h 6 mph East South Easterly Wind Speed 10 km/h 6 mph East South Easterly Wind Speed 10 km/h 6 mph East South Easterly Wind Speed 8 km/h 5 mph East South Easterly Wind Speed 6 km/h 4 mph East South Easterly Wind Speed 8 km/h 5 mph Easterly Wind Speed 8 km/h 5 mph North Easterly Wind Speed 8 km/h 5 mph East North Easterly Wind Speed 6 km/h 4 mph East North Easterly Wind Speed 6 km/h 4 mph East North Easterly Wind Speed 6 km/h 4 mph East North Easterly Wind Speed 5 km/h 3 mph East North Easterly Wind Speed 5 km/h 3 mph East North Easterly Wind Speed 5 km/h 3 mph East North Easterly        
Humidity 71% 67% 67% 70% 69% 72% 73% 78% 84% 88% 90% 91% 93% 93% 93% 94% 95%        
Visibility (E = Excellent, VG = Very Good, G = Good, M = Moderate, P = Poor, VP = Very Poor) GGGGGMMMMMGGGGMMM       
Pressure (Millibars) 995 995 995 994 994 994 994 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995 995        

Northern Ireland

Forecast Summary

  • Today

    A mostly cloudy morning with outbreaks of rain at times. Some drier, brighter weather spreads in from the east in the afternoon, but with further rain reaching the east coast by early evening.

  • Tonight

    A cloudy evening with outbreaks of rain. The a cloudy, mild night with patchy light rain, this heavier and more persistent in the far west.

Environmental Summary

UV: 4

UK Range: 1-8

Pollution: Moderate

UK Range: Low to Very High

Pollen: Moderate

UK Range: Low to Very High

Average Conditions

BBC Weather's average conditions for London, United Kingdom. This includes readings of average sunlight, temperature, discomfort from heat and humidity, relative humidity, average Precipitation, and wet days.
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Average Minimum Temperature (°C) 2 2 3 4 6 9 11 11 9 7 4 3
Average Minimum Temperature (°F) 35 35 37 39 43 49 52 51 49 44 39 37
Average Maximum Temperature (°C) 6 7 9 12 15 18 18 18 16 13 9 7
Average Maximum Temperature (°F) 43 44 49 53 59 64 65 65 61 55 48 44
Record Minimum Temperature (°C) -13 -12 -12 -4 -3 -1 4 1 -2 -4 -6 -11
Record Minimum Temperature (°F) 9 11 10 24 26 31 39 34 28 24 21 13
Record Maximum Temperature (°C) 13 14 19 21 26 28 29 28 26 21 16 14
Record Maximum Temperature (°F) 56 57 67 69 79 83 85 82 78 70 61 58
Average Precipitation (mm) 80 52 50 48 52 68 94 77 80 83 72 90
Average Precipitation (inches) 3.2 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.1 2.7 3.7 3.0 3.2 3.3 2.8 3.5
Average Sunlight Hours 1 2 3 5 6 6 4 4 4 3 2 1
Wet Days (+0.1 mm) 20 17 16 16 15 16 19 17 18 19 19 21
Relative Humidity AM 92 91 88 83 79 80 84 87 89 91 92 92
Relative Humidity PM 87 80 74 69 66 71 73 75 78 80 85 89
Discomfort From Heat And Humidity -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Average Conditions data © Copyright RM, 2011. All rights reserved. Helicon Publishing is a division of RM.

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Last updated 06:15 BST, Friday 12 MayForecast updated Monday to Friday only


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Last updated 12:31 BST, Friday 12 May


Observed at 11:00, Friday 12 May

Light Rain Shower

10°C 50°F

Wind Speed 11 km/h 7 mph East North Easterly

Humidity: 86%

Visibility: Moderate

Pressure: 995mb, Rising

Observation station: Aldergrove

(Lat: 54.65 | Lon: -6.217)

BBC Weather in association with the Met Office

All times are BST (Europe/London, GMT+0100) unless otherwise stated

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