Canadian Archaeological Association

Publisher Description

The Canadian Archaeological Association is the national archaeological organization in Canada, promoting the increase and dissemination of archaeological knowledge in Canada through scientific and popular archaeological publications, a web site and an annual conference.  The Association promotes stewardship of Canada’s archaeological heritage in co-operation with Federal , Provincial/Territorial, and First Nation governments as well as other relevant organizations.  It recognizes and encourages the diverse pasts of Canadian peoples and promotes co-operative projects with descendant communities to meet the needs and interests of those communities.   The CAA  provides professional development opportunities and information about field school opportunities and promotes the development and adherence to professional standards and guidelines for the practice of archaeology.  The CAA encourages Federal, Provincial/Territorial , First Nations and Municipal governments to develop policies, legislation and programs that will protect all archaeological resources both on land and under water.
Journals in JSTOR from Canadian Archaeological Association
2 Journals in JSTOR Date Range
Bulletin (Canadian Archaeological Association) 1969 - 1976
Canadian Journal of Archaeology / Journal Canadien d'Archéologie 1977 - 2012


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