Data Science Free Online Courses (edX)

Data science is making us smarter and more innovative in so many ways.
How does it all work?

In this Data Science and Analytics XSeries you will gain insight into the latest data science tools and their application in finance, health care, product development, sales and more. With real world examples, we will demonstrate how data science can improve corporate decision-making and performance, personalized medicine and advance your career goals.

Taught by a distinguished team of professors at Columbia University’s Data Science Institute, this XSeries is perfect for anyone who wants to understand basic concepts in data science without getting into the weeds of programming. Aimed at organization leaders, business managers, health care professionals and anyone considering a career in data science, this series will steep learners in the fundamentals of statistics, machine learning and algorithms. It will also introduce emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things, or wirelessly connected products, and techniques that allow computers to summarize mountains of text, audio and video. Concrete examples provided throughout the series will ensure that learners fully grasp and master key concepts.

Online Courses in this ColumbiaX Data Science and Analytics XSeries

Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics

DS101X Self-Paced

Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics

Learn how statistics plays a central role in the data science approach. Learn more.

Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics

DS102X Self-Paced

Machine Learning for Data Science and Analytics

Learn the principles of machine learning and the importance of algorithms. Learn more.

Enabling Technologies for Data Science and Analytics: The Internet of Things

DS103X Self-Paced

Enabling Technologies for Data Science and Analytics: The Internet of Things

Discover the relationship between Big Data and the Internet of Things (IoT). Learn more.

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