Erin Shannon


Ph.D. researcher of comparative university responses to sexual violence . She/her; bi.

New Jersey, US   York, UK
Beigetreten November 2012


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  1. hat retweetet
    vor 11 Stunden

    “Oh you’re a police abolitionist? Yeah that’s all very well but what are you gonna do when you’re experiencing domestic violence and you need someone to [checks notes] ...replace all your knives w blunt knives?”

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    vor 14 Stunden

    'Responding to complexity: improving service provision for survivors of domestic abuse with ‘complex needs'’ by Harris & Hodges is now available to read on fast track! Read at:

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  3. vor 16 Stunden

    ANYWAY this is all to say that yes, while I hope my research makes a difference, I’m not happy to sit around and wait for that to happen, so I’m glad I can give back something in the meantime.

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  4. vor 16 Stunden

    This is why I’m thankful for my background training in Women’s and Gender Studies, a field constituted and informed mutually by research and praxis; I love a moral imperative to do the work I’m writing about.

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  5. vor 16 Stunden

    This isn’t to say I’m not for an emancipatory research agenda (god, how depressing would my thesis be if I thought nothing could change), but to push those of us researching oppression into not becoming complacent w/ ourselves, & not thinking what we do in ivory towers is enough.

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  6. vor 16 Stunden

    Do those abusing their power actually sit and read counter-hegemonic narratives produced by academics and think, “hmm, yes, I should change, this isn’t good?” Doubtful.

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  7. vor 16 Stunden

    I’ve been reading a lot about critical discourse analysis recently and thinking about its ‘emancipatory agenda.’ As a scholar, sure, it feels good to pat myself on the back for revealing oppressive power structures, but what actually happens when we write truth to power?

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  8. vor 16 Stunden

    Started my volunteer training with a local domestic and sexual violence support charity yesterday! It’s so healing to be DOING something to help instead of just writing about these issues.

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  9. hat retweetet
    11. Juni

    Reminder: a civil warrant for my arrest was issued over student loan debt I purportedly owe to Boston University. Warrant. For. My. Arrest.

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  10. hat retweetet
    12. Juni

    I wrote about Lauren McCluskey, the U of Utah student who was stalked, extorted, and killed by her ex. She'd described her abuse to police, but they didn't see the danger she was in. Now, women are trying to teach the university how to open its eyes.

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  11. hat retweetet
    vor 17 Stunden

    ⚠️ vast majority of bi+ women experience sexual or domestic violence & still no funded support resources or training for existing providers

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  12. hat retweetet
    12. Juni

    Are you a graduate student who has experienced sexual harassment while enrolled at a Big Ten school? There's a team of researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln who would love to hear your story! See the attached flyer and help contribute to this super important research!

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  13. hat retweetet
    12. Juni

    ‼️Attention to experts in international and comparative education‼️ We're seeking a *permanent* lecturer at ! An exciting opportunity to join our excellent international education team (along with and )

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  14. hat retweetet
    12. Juni

    Harassment can force LGBTQ students to avoid classes or extracurriculars, stay home from school, or even leave school entirely. Title IX protects LGBTQ survivors— and provides protections to LGBTQ students who face widespread bullying and harassment.

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  15. hat retweetet
    12. Juni

    “84 percent That’s how many indigenous women have experienced physical, sexual or psychological violence in their lifetime, according to the National Institute of Justice.”

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  16. hat retweetet
    11. Juni

    It took nearly two years for the Foreign Office to release information to me under FOI about its policy and process for assessing arms exports:

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  17. hat retweetet
    12. Juni

    Remember that whole thing about not needing to constantly analogize Trump with Hitler because there’s an entire preceding American structure for internment, child separation, and genocide? A horrific full circle here.

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  18. hat retweetet
    12. Juni

    Institutions are only as robust as the people who run them. If institutions prioritise the maintenance of their reputation over and above protecting vulnerable people, then that is a *choice* by the people who run them.

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  19. 12. Juni

    If your policies/resources aren’t fit for purpose—they don’t address the specific issues your student population faces, but they look like what other unis have, so *must* be good (/irony)—then why bother drafting new policy or hiring new staff?

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  20. 12. Juni

    I think it’s a positive move for universities to hire staff for sexual violence response, but one of my ISVA participants pointed out that what unis do with those staff can often be performative: the need to look good in comparison to other unis, not make actual change.

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