The American Booksellers for Free Expression

    The American Booksellers for Free Expression (ABFE) is the bookseller's voice in the fight for free speech. Its mission is to promote and protect the free exchange of ideas, particularly those contained in books, by opposing restrictions on the freedom of speech; issuing statements on significant free expression controversies; participating in legal cases involving First Amendment rights; collaborating with other groups with an interest in free speech; and providing education about the importance of free expression to booksellers, other members of the book industry, politicians, the press and the public.

    In 1990, ABA created the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE), a 501(c)3 charitable organization. ABFFE merged with ABA in 2014, and became ABFE. All ABA member bookstores are deemed ABFE Supporters and are encouraged to contribute additional money to ensure the continued operation of the program and funding of its free speech efforts. Non-ABA member bookstores, companies and individuals are also encouraged to contribute to ABFE. Contributions to ABFE are deductible on U.S. tax returns as business, and not charitable, expenses.

    ABFE and ABA have created many resources to help stores exercise and display their commitment to free expression rights, including information and materials for Banned Books Week, held during the last week of September, and other First Amendment oriented programs such as the Kids Right to Read Project, which is co-sponsored by ABFE and the National Coalition Against Censorship.

    ABFE periodically conducts an auction of children’s book art, donated by illustrators, to raise funds to defend the free speech rights of children. Proceeds of the auction help support the Kids’ Right to Read Project (KRRP).

                                             Have a Free Speech Emergency? Contact Dave Grogan at 845-242-8605