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City Office in Brussels

    City office in Brussels logo

Set up to strengthen relations between the City of London and EU institutions

The City Office in Brussels represents the needs of an international financial marketplace. It liaises between the City and both the EU institutions and Member States – strengthening dialogue between them.

Aiding better contact with EU decision-makers and key figures elsewhere in the EU

It focuses on cross-sectorial issues in which pan-EU policy making could affect the competitiveness of international financial services and therefore the EU's economic growth. It facilitates wider City contacts by staging networking events and briefing meetings with MEPs, European Commission officials and Member States' representatives.

City Office in Brussels's strategic aims:

  • To help shape the evolution of more effective financial services within the EU – assisting in the creation of a coherent strategy for future growth and development of the single market for financial services.
  • To promote the interests of the wider City as a key international marketplace – acting as a focal point in Brussels for UK-based international financial services through informal contacts with decision makers.
  • To act as a channel for regular communication between EU officials and MEPs and the international financial services community on matters of collective interest.

Further information

City Office in Brussels
Rond Point Schuman 6, 8th Floor
1040 Brussels

T +32 (0) 2 282 84 57
F +32 (0) 2 282 84 43
