Word on the street: Food wastage during Ramadan

Public opinion on the streets of Muscat.

Do you think there is less food wastage this Ramadan as compared to previous years?


Mbarak Al Araimy

Mbarak al Araimy


People are more conscious now. Food wastage is a crime in Islam. It is also a crime against humanity and our planet, especially at a time when there are many in this world dying of hunger.


Ali al Matani

Ali al Matani


A lot of food is still wasted during Ramadan. We need to have associations that can collect extra food from hotels, banquets, weddings and homes in an organised way and give it to the needy.


Nabila Jamal

Nabila Jamal

Restaurant employee

I think there has been less food wastage this Ramadan. I am glad that people nowadays buy only what they need and have stopped extravaganza. This may be because people do not have much to waste.


Rashid al Barwani

Rashid al Barwani


It is unfortunate that wastage of food increases during Ramadan. People should understand that there are so many poor families who die because of hunger in the world. I am sure realisation will help them avoid wasting food.


Abdullah al Naamani

Abdullah al Naamani

Bank employee Food wastage will always be there in Ramadan. However, this year it has been less. But we need to spread more awareness among the public that too many varieties of food could lead to wastage. So, cook only what is required.


Why do you think people end up wasting food?



Amina Yusra


People generally think that they will be able to eat a lot as they break their fast and so fill up their plate. But most people end up wasting as they are unable to finish. It is important for people to realise that food is a necessity and should be consumed only as per requirement.



Kittu Matharu

Private sector employee

Most people when breaking fast fill up their plates so much that they don’t realise it is difficult to eat a lot after staying hungry for a long period as you feel full very fast.



Sheryar Munir

Marketing executive

A lot of food is wasted during buffets served for iftars. People fill their plates as there are too many options. Most people feel full just with juice and appetisers and end up wasting other items.




Private sector employee

Most people fill their plates with heaps of food but when they start eating they feel full and so end up wasting. Some probably do this as they don’t like going for a refill.


shruti PV

Shruti P V


I have seen people filling their plates during iftars as the variety is probably too much to ignore. But they don’t realise that they won’t be able to finish all. I would suggest people to try one thing at a time so that no food is wasted.

What do think can be done to leftovers from hotels, restaurants and get-togethers?


Saif al Khamisani

Saif al Khamisani


The best thing that one can do with these leftovers is to give them to drivers who have to travel long distance. They often go hungry as it may not be possible to stop for food breaks.


Ahmed al Ghafri

Ahmed al Ghafri

Private sector employee

Leftovers should be distributed among the needy. However, I think that wastage of food has come down in the last few years. People are more conscious and hence at most places food is cooked only as required.


Yashpal Singh

Yashpal Singh


The leftovers can always be given to animals. Not many people like eating leftovers. So, such food should be given to pets.


Dr. Abdul Momin

Dr Abdul Momin


The leftovers must be packed hygienically and given to the needy or to charitable houses. People should also try and and preserve the leftovers and consume during suhoor.


Abhirup Roy

Abhirup Roy

Private sector employee I feel quite bad when I see people filling up their plates during iftars and then wasting. Food waste can be good for plants. It can even be given to animals (either in shelters, pets or on roads).

What is the best way to tackle food wastage during the holy month?


Ahmad al Asaker

Ahmad al Asaker


Ramadan is a month of moderation. It is hard to understand where this culture of splurging on food has come from. The best way of course is to buy less and cook what is required for the day. A little generosity also helps as extra food if given out to others takes care of our obligation to help the needy as well as save us from wasting food.


mohammed rahim

Mohammed Rahim

Salesman People are so generous during the month that they cook huge quantities of food in the house and feed others. But they overdo things which can lead to food wastage. Cook only what is required and avoid expensive food items.


majid al balushi

Majid al Balushi


Food gets wasted more during Ramadan as leftovers cannot be used due to fasting. So the best way is to observe moderation. The basic tenet of the holy month is to not overindulge in food. The motive must be to buy intelligently and cook only what is required.



Imran an Zadjali


We should not shop in bulk at least during Ramadan when the better part of the day is spent fasting. Bulk buying often leads to storage problems and also excessive food. This could lead to food wastage. A lot of food is also wasted during the month as most often hosts overestimate the quantity when cooking for large gatherings. 


zaid al Balushi

Zaid al Balushi

Private sector employee

I think we should not shop in bulk. This will not just help use things judiciously but also rule out rotting of food. In case you have extra food, give it to the needy or send it to mosques where thousands are fed daily.

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