Facts and usage statistics about public transit in Lisboa, Portugal

Commute patterns by Light Rail, Metro, Train, Bus, Ferry & Funicular in Lisboa - Statistics, Analytics and Usage Data

The Moovit Public Transit Index helps anyone discover how people in Lisboa get around each day with public transit compared to other cities. Below you will find the average commute and wait time for riders, the distance people travel to get to work with public transit and the average distance people in Lisboa walk each day. See which Light Rail, Metro, Train, Bus, Ferry & Funicular and stations are most popular in Lisboa, and more!
Lisboa has 6 transit type(s), including: Light Rail, Metro, Train, Bus, Ferry & Funicular, operated by several transit agencies, including Metropolitano de Lisboa, CARRIS, CP, Transtejo, Soflusa, Aerobus, MTS, TST - Transportes Sul do Tejo, Fertagus, SulFertagus & Rodoviária de Lisboa

Commute Time

How long do people usually commute in Lisboa by public transit everyday?
The average amount of time people spend commuting with public transit, for example to and from work, on a weekday.
59 min
Compare average daily commute time for 150+ cites
How many people have a long commute every day with public transit in Lisboa, Portugal?
The percentage of people who ride public transit for more than 2 hours every day. This includes travel by Light Rail, Metro, Train, Bus, Ferry & Funicular.
Compare across +150 cities, the percentage of public transit users who commute 2+ hours Compare average daily commute time for 150+ cites

Waiting Time

How long do people usually wait at a station in Lisboa every day?
The average amount of time people wait at a stop or station for their Light Rail, Metro, Train, Bus, Ferry & Funicular line on a weekday.
14 min
See the average amount of time people wait around the world
How many people in Lisboa usually wait a long time at a transit station?
The percentage of people who wait for over 20 minutes on average for their transit line every day, for example to and from work.
See the amount of people who wait at a station for a long time in other cities See the average amount of time people wait around the world

Trip Distance

How far do people usually commute each way with public transit in Lisboa?
The average distance people usually ride in a single trip, for example to or from work, with public transit including Light Rail, Metro, Train, Bus, Ferry & Funicular.
6.3 km
See the average distance people commute around the world
How many people have a long commute every day in Lisboa?
The percentage of people that usually travel for over 12 km in a single direction, for example to or from work, each day with public transit.
See how many people commute over 12 km each day in other cities See the average distance people commute around the world

Number of Transfers

How many people transfer lines at least once in Lisboa?
The percentage of people who transfer at least one time during a single trip.
See how many people transfer lines around the world
How many people transfer transit lines more than once during a single trip in Lisboa?
The percentage of people who transfer at least twice when traveling to a certain destination on a single trip.
See how many people transfer lines at least twice around the world See how many people transfer lines around the world

Walking Distance

How far do people usually walk per trip in Lisboa?
The average distance people walk every day in one direction, for example on their way home or to work.
0.79 km
See the average walking distances around the world
How many people walk for more than 1 km in Lisboa?
The percentage of people who walk for over 1 km each day to reach a specific destination, for example to or from work.
See how many people in other cities walk over 1 km See the average walking distances around the world
Most popular Metro lines
  • LINHA VERDE - Cais do Sodré - Telheiras
  • LINHA AMARELA - Rato - Odivelas
  • LINHA VERMELHA - S. Sebastião - Aeroporto
Most popular Metro stations
  • Alameda
  • Saldanha
  • Marquês De Pombal
Most popular Bus lines
  • 728 - Portela - Restelo
  • 742 - Bairro Madre Deus - Casalinho d'Ajuda
  • 736 - Odivelas - Cais do Sodré
Most popular Bus stations
  • Estação Oriente
  • Cais Sodré
Most popular Metro lines
  • LINHA VERDE - Cais do Sodré - Telheiras
  • LINHA AMARELA - Rato - Odivelas
  • LINHA VERMELHA - S. Sebastião - Aeroporto
Most popular Metro stations
  • Alameda
  • Saldanha
  • Marquês De Pombal
Most popular Bus lines
  • 728 - Portela - Restelo
  • 742 - Bairro Madre Deus - Casalinho d'Ajuda
  • 736 - Odivelas - Cais do Sodré
Most popular Bus stations
  • Estação Oriente
  • Cais Sodré
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