

Listen up: democracy means even jerks get a say

Prime Minister Tony Abbott can't seem to decide whether he favours free speech or not.

On Wednesday, the Prime Minister was in love with the national broadcaster: "I want to say publicly, 'Thank-you to the ABC!' I don't normally say thank-you to the ABC, but I have to say Australia is indebted to you on this instance."

The source of his love: Sarah Ferguson's extraordinary The Killing Season – three hours of Labor figures gnawing on the stumps of their clumsy home-amputation of national power. Some of them had even obligingly restaged the action for Ferguson ("So ... I was standing right here, like this, and I grabbed this club, right, and ...") Seriously, if I were some sort of Labor honcho and Ferguson rang me up and said she wanted a word, I would just start packing.

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All the ABC is saying, is...

The left wing lynch mob have taken over our television and Tony is not happy. Rocco Fazzari and Denis Carnahan with apologies to John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

Watching The Killing Season was like watching one of those teen horror flicks where the cute girl with whom we haven't yet bonded decides to pop down to the cellar and check out those weird growling noises, even though her torch has mysteriously gone dead and her dog is refusing to accompany her. "DON'T DO IT!!!" you bellow hoarsely at the screen. But she does it anyway. The Killing Season was like that.

For the on-again, mostly off-again relationship between the PM and the ABC, though, the past week was mainly about fury, after Tony Jones' Q&A; program went to air with serial jerk and convicted criminal Zaky Mallah participating live from the audience.

"They have given this individual, this disgraceful individual, a platform and, in so doing, I believe the national broadcaster has badly let us down," declared the PM, demanding of the ABC: "Whose side are you on?"

Consequences were swift: the government will stage a lightning inquiry into Q&A;, and the program also sustained a second hammer-blow: Kevin Andrews' announcement that he will continue to not be a guest on it.


A couple of points.

First, what are the odds that the two individuals who fuelled the respective extremes of the PM's love-hate relationship with the national broadcaster would be married to each other? Surely, it must be time for a Hollywood feature film entitled Mr and Mrs Jones, in which Tony and Sarah win Walkley after Walkley while bickering about whose side they're on.

Second, I work at the ABC, and every single day I see that organisation give voices to Australians who otherwise wouldn't be heard, on topics that are too uncommercial or too remote or too hard to be covered by anyone else, broadcasting into areas from which others have long withdrawn resources. Patriotism isn't always about picking sides; sometimes it's about listening.

Third, when it comes to the question of whether or not people with whacked-out views should be given a platform or not, which side is the Prime Minister on?

This is the same Prime Minister who last October applauded ABC presenter Emma Alberici for getting Hizb-ut-Tahrir spokesman Wassim Doureihi on Lateline and showing him a bit of Alberici steel.

"Good on her for having a go and I think she spoke for our country last night," said the PM of the lengthy interview in which Doureihi (representative of an organisation Mr Abbott has described as pro-terrorism and which he is mustard-keen to ban) refused to condemn the murderous tactics of Islamic State.

Patriotism isn't always about picking sides; sometimes it's about listening.

If it's patriotic for Alberici to give Doureihi a platform, why is it seditious for Tony Jones to give Mallah one?

The difference here, I suspect, is one of circumstance and vibe. To hear the Q&A; audience remain awkwardly silent when the government's Steve Ciobo declared he'd be pleased to see Mallah deported, and yet burst into applause when Mallah responded that he'd prefer an Australia that was Ciobo-free – that was a pretty dreadful moment, and one which I don't doubt drove much of the Coalition's anger at the broadcast. Ciobo won that encounter, with honesty and directness, and the audience clapped the wrong guy.

But what does the ABC do – apologise for the misguided clapping instincts of an audience? Introduce mandated applause controls? Zap people when they reward a jerk?

The other issue was the physical placement of Mallah in the audience. Speaking for myself and physical cowards everywhere, I reckon I would not want to sit near a guy who, in the past, has threatened to inflict violence on people in public places.

But none of this provides a good reason to silence people such as Mallah. Indeed, to see him vanquished, as he was by Ciobo, and as he was again the next night by Waleed Aly on The Project, is no bad thing.

As Janet Albrechtsen wrote in The Australian last October in an open letter to Doureihi after his Lateline appearance: "Go your hardest, Wassim. Keep talking. Write up your twisted beliefs. Organise your Friday-night tirades. I, and many others, want to know what's in your head and your heart."

Hear, hear. How do we know which side we're on, unless we've had a good look at all of them?

Twitter: @annabelcrabb


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