Belgin San-Akca
Assistant Professor
Department of International Relations
Koç University, Istanbul

Professor San-Akca’s research focuses on non-state violence and its implications for inter-state relations. Specifically, she studies terrorism, insurgency, the role of ethnic, religious, and political identity in inter-state relations and the empirical applications of IR Theory, and the Middle East Conflict. She teaches research methods, graduate level quantitative analysis, introductory level International Relations, and a course on terrorism, insurgency and World politics. Before coming to Koç University, she worked on various projects as a research assistant and consultant and taught various courses at the University of California, Davis and Berkeley. She was a visiting scholar at the Center for Middle East Studies, Harvard University from July 1 to August 30, 2011. Her articles appeared at Journal of Strategic Studies, Journal of Conflict Resolution and International Studies Quarterly. Her book titled “States in Disguise: Material and Ideational Causes of State Support for Rebel Groups” is forthcoming with Oxford University Press.