Last Update 12:47
Thursday, 09 November 2017

Egypt currently hosts refugees from 59 countries: Social solidarity minister

Ahram Online , Tuesday 7 Nov 2017
Social solidarity minister Ghada Wali (Al-Ahram)
Social solidarity minister Ghada Wali (Al-Ahram)
Views: 1008
Views: 1008

Egypt's Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Wali said on Tuesday that Egypt currently hosts refugees from 59 countries without restrictions or limitations on their freedoms.

Wali made the comments on the sidelines of the World Youth Forum in Sharm El-Sheikh.

"Refugees in Egypt are not profiled and are afforded full services available to Egyptian citizens in healthcare and education," Wali added.

The Egyptian minister said that her country does not isolate immigrants in camps “as other countries have done.”

“Egypt has the highest rate of enrollment of Syrian children in schools at 40,000 children, who receive proper education and services just like Egyptian citizens.”

Egyptian representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Karim Atassi said that the commission is working to assist Egyptian humanitarian efforts to host refugees, describing Egypt as a pivotal state in the region.

Egypt's President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi said in 2016 that Egypt hosts five million refugees and immigrants despite facing its own economic challenges.

Egypt is actively participating in international forums to develop frameworks on dealing with and protecting immigrants and refugees.

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