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Recommendations by WYF's Security Council simulation will be delivered to UN: Egypt's President Sisi

Thursday 9 Nov 2017
Views: 189
Views: 189

Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi announced on Thursday that the recommendations agreed upon by youth participants in a simulation of the United Nations General Assembly, which took place as part of the first World Youth Forum, will be presented to the international body in New York.

Participants in the Security Council simulation primarily discussed three main threats to international peace and security: terrorism, cybersecurity, and unregulated migration, according to the World Youth Forum's official website.

Youth representatives from 20 countries participated in the simulation, which began on 4 November and ended Thursday with the forum's conclusion in Egypt's Sharm El-Sheikh.

Diaa El-Din, a law student who represented Egypt in the simulation, told MENA news agency that preparations for the UN simulation began three months ago as participants were chosen and trained in preparatory workshops.

The president called on the participants to submit a well-rounded summary of the recommendations and decisions reached during their sessions, suggesting that their conclusions are widely relevant to the world today.

A delegation of youth will travel to hand the document to the UN, with coordination from Egypt's foreign ministry.

The Egyptian president also recommended the organization of WYF workshops around the world to address different regional issues, as well as the forming of an expert committee to address such challenges as illegal immigration, radicalism, and illiteracy.

President El-Sisi additionally hailed the global role of the United Nations in adopting international law, which he lauded for protecting less powerful nations since the founding of the 193-member body over 70 years ago.

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