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Trial of pro-Copt Muslim activists adjourned till next Thursday

Trial of activists involved in protests for solidarity with Copts following the New Year's Eve attack was postponed after today's hearing

MENA, Thursday 13 Jan 2011
Views: 1685
Views: 1685

The Rod El Farag misdemeanor court has postponed the trial of eight left wing and rights activists to next Thursday.

The eight are accused of attacking policemen and damaging public and private property during the protests that took place in Shubra following the New Year’s Eve attack on the Two Saints Church in Alexandria. The riots occurred on 3 January.

During the court session today, the group’s defense lawyer requested that they be released, saying that most of the accusations are general and not specific to any of the defendants. The lawyer also insisted that most of the charges against the defendants have been fabricated and that the witness accounts are contradictory and hard to believe.

The general prosecutor had transferred the group to a swift trial, following their arrest during the riots in Shubra. The group, have also been accused of illegal assembly and inciting strife, as well as attacking public servants while doing their job.

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