The Natural Environment, Plants & Animals in Hong Kong

Hong Kong's rich biodiversity is both the advantage of its location and wise management of resources. Here you can learn more about the natural environment of Hong Kong, the species within its borders, informative websites maintained by Government departments, and the Hong Kong biodiversity database.

The Natural Environment, Plants and Animals

Although renowned as a compact urban centre, Hong Kong has thousands of square kilometres of rugged coastline, mountain ranges and country parks. So not surprisingly it is home to an impressive range of wildlife. Straddling the transition zone between the tropics and the temperate region, its biodiversity is greater than usually found in such a small area. Almost 3,000 varieties of flowering plants including 120 orchid and over 300 native tree species, more than 2,000 moth, 110 dragonfly and 230 butterfly species make their homes here. Hong Kong also boasts one third of the total bird species in China, and an array of freshwater fish, amphibians, reptiles and mammals. Humans are only a small part of the population, but we need to do what we can to protect the rest.

More on Hong Kong's natural environment

Butterflies in Hong Kong's Urban Parks

A particular aspect of Hong Kong's environment that is attracting more attention all of the time is the large variety of butterfly species in our urban parks Of the 1,300 species that can be found in China, 235 are in Hong Kong. In the urban parks alone you can observe 48 species of butterflies. That means you don't have to travel far to see the best of nature on offer. The Leisure and Cultural Services Department maintains a dedicated website on butterflies in Hong Kong's urban parks. You will be able to find information on specific habitats and species, what food they eat and how to watch them.

More on butterflies in Hong Kong's urban parks

Hong Kong Biodiversity Online

Hong Kong Biodiversity Online is an initiative of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conversation Department that contains detailed information on the animal and plant species in Hong Kong, categorised into mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater fish, butterflies, dragonflies, plants and mangrove fauna. Each section provides an introduction to the category and how prevalent it is. There is information about respective conservation measures and tips and codes for observation. The Department also publishes an informative biodiversity newsletter that is available on the site.

Hong Kong Biodiversity OnlineBack issues of the biodiversity newsletter

Hong Kong Biodiversity Database

Incorporated into Hong Kong Biodiversity Online is the Hong Kong Biodiversity Database. If you are interested in a particular animal or plant species in Hong Kong you can use the Database to search for information on its taxonomy, conservation status, and local and global distribution. You can also search specifically for endangered local species. Photos are made available where possible.

Hong Kong Biodiversity Database
Last review date: June 2017