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Speedtest Global Index

November 2017
Ranking mobile and fixed broadband speeds from around the world on a monthly basis. Click on a location for more local analysis.

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Global Average

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Rank Country Download Mbps
1 - Norway 62.66
2 +1 Netherlands 53.01
3 -1 Iceland 52.78
4 +1 Singapore 51.50
5 -1 Malta 50.46
6 +1 Australia 49.43
7 -1 Hungary 49.02
8 +3 South Korea 47.64
9 -1 United Arab Emirates 46.83
10 - Denmark 43.31
11 -2 Luxembourg 42.82
12 - Belgium 41.60
13 +1 New Zealand 40.22
14 -1 Canada 39.58
15 - Switzerland 39.45
16 +1 Sweden 37.32
17 +4 Qatar 36.40
18 +7 Hong Kong (SAR) 35.64
19 +5 Montenegro 35.04
20 -2 Macedonia 34.58
21 +2 Croatia 34.42
22 -2 Greece 34.22
23 -4 Lithuania 34.14
24 -8 Taiwan 33.65
25 -3 Czech Republic 33.19
26 +1 Finland 33.02
27 +1 Estonia 32.73
28 -2 Austria 32.51
29 +2 Spain 31.69
30 - Bulgaria 31.58
31 +1 China 31.22
32 +1 Turkey 31.20
33 -4 Serbia 30.55
34 +3 France 29.79
35 +1 Italy 29.75
36 +3 Romania 29.42
37 -2 Macau (SAR) 28.92
38 -4 Slovenia 28.43
39 -1 Slovakia 28.32
40 +2 Moldova 28.12
41 -1 Latvia 27.23
42 +3 Oman 26.96
43 -2 United Kingdom 26.75
44 +3 United States 26.32
45 +4 Cyprus 26.14
46 -2 Albania 25.71
47 -1 Germany 25.42
48 - Kuwait 24.64
49 -6 Lebanon 24.50
50 - Portugal 24.36
51 - Poland 22.55
52 +2 Georgia 22.46
53 +4 Armenia 21.75
54 -2 Israel 21.69
55 +1 Japan 21.67
56 +5 Uruguay 21.49
57 +3 Ireland 20.70
58 - Mexico 20.39
59 -4 Maldives 19.95
60 -7 Azerbaijan 19.82
61 -2 Vietnam 19.54
62 +4 Guatemala 18.45
63 +2 Kazakhstan 18.32
64 -1 Chile 17.64
65 -1 Peru 17.30
66 -4 Bahrain 16.97
67 - Iran 16.74
68 +7 Honduras 16.63
69 +8 Dominican Republic 16.58
70 -2 Ecuador 16.32
71 - Brazil 16.25
72 +1 Russia 15.80
73 -3 Nicaragua 15.67
74 -5 Malaysia 15.64
75 +1 Tunisia 15.63
76 -2 Colombia 15.28
77 -5 Morocco 15.03
78 +2 Cambodia 14.97
79 - Egypt 14.88
80 -2 Kenya 14.86
81 +1 Jordan 14.65
82 -1 Bolivia 14.55
83 - Mongolia 14.03
84 -1 Argentina 13.83
85 +6 Laos 13.77
86 +2 Panama 13.70
87 -3 Thailand 13.38
88 -3 Belarus 13.29
89 -3 Pakistan 13.08
90 +6 Saudi Arabia 12.70
91 -2 Philippines 12.35
92 +13 Jamaica 12.31
93 -6 Syria 12.11
94 - Republic of the Union of Myanmar 11.72
95 - Trinidad and Tobago 11.68
96 +3 Namibia 11.61
97 -7 Kyrgyzstan 11.57
98 +6 Haiti 11.19
99 -6 Nepal 10.97
100 -8 Côte d'Ivoire 10.95
101 -4 Paraguay 10.27
102 -4 Nigeria 9.90
103 +7 Sudan 9.85
104 -4 Brunei 9.83
105 -4 El Salvador 9.75
106 -4 Indonesia 9.73
107 - Sri Lanka 9.32
108 -2 Ghana 8.97
109 -1 India 8.80
110 +10 Puerto Rico 8.53
111 - Ukraine 8.26
112 - Venezuela 8.07
113 +3 Costa Rica 7.89
114 -5 Tanzania 7.83
115 -1 Bosnia and Herzegovina 7.53
116 +1 Algeria 7.19
117 +1 Afghanistan 7.13
118 -3 Uzbekistan 6.47
119 +2 Tajikistan 5.72
120 +2 Bangladesh 4.97
121 -2 Libya 4.08
122 +1 Iraq 3.12
Fixed Broadband

Global Average

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Rank Country Download Mbps
1 - Singapore 153.85
2 +1 Iceland 147.51
3 -1 Hong Kong (SAR) 133.94
4 - South Korea 127.45
5 - Romania 104.46
6 +4 Hungary 92.47
7 - Macau (SAR) 87.14
8 - Sweden 84.11
9 -3 Netherlands 81.46
10 -1 Switzerland 80.62
11 +1 Lithuania 75.94
12 -1 United States 75.94
13 - Denmark 75.42
14 +1 Japan 73.51
15 -1 Norway 72.82
16 - Canada 67.49
17 +1 Jersey 66.48
18 +3 Spain 64.91
19 - Luxembourg 63.91
20 -3 New Zealand 63.80
21 -1 France 63.67
22 +3 Reunion 62.64
23 - China 61.24
24 - Portugal 55.56
25 -3 Belgium 54.26
26 - United Kingdom 50.90
27 - Germany 48.59
28 +4 Malta 48.22
29 - Latvia 47.25
30 - Bulgaria 45.72
31 +2 Moldova 44.90
32 +2 Israel 42.62
33 -2 Taiwan 42.32
34 +4 Ireland 42.00
35 - Poland 41.66
36 - Finland 40.37
37 - Slovakia 39.63
38 +2 Estonia 39.28
39 +2 Thailand 38.14
40 -1 Russia 36.90
41 +4 Chile 35.43
42 - Ukraine 34.70
43 +3 Trinidad and Tobago 34.10
44 -1 Czech Republic 34.01
45 -1 Slovenia 33.53
46 +14 Bermuda 32.72
47 +1 Italy 31.58
48 -1 Austria 30.69
49 - Qatar 29.15
50 - Panama 28.61
51 +1 Belarus 27.26
52 -1 Kazakhstan 26.36
53 +2 Australia 26.21
54 -1 Guam 25.96
55 -1 United Arab Emirates 25.39
56 +1 Vietnam 24.85
57 -1 Serbia 24.58
58 - The Bahamas 23.20
59 +4 Montenegro 23.12
60 -1 Croatia 22.89
61 - Puerto Rico 22.48
62 - Malaysia 22.26
63 +4 Mongolia 21.75
64 +2 Uruguay 21.29
65 -1 Macedonia 20.98
66 +4 Curaçao 20.10
67 +4 Georgia 19.82
68 +4 Mexico 19.80
69 - Isle of Man 19.56
70 -2 Armenia 19.49
71 +2 Sri Lanka 19.26
72 +2 Bosnia and Herzegovina 19.14
73 -8 Jamaica 19.11
74 +1 Saudi Arabia 19.05
75 +2 Ghana 18.96
76 - India 18.82
77 +2 Bahrain 18.45
78 +3 Cyprus 18.28
79 -1 Brazil 17.80
80 +2 Kuwait 17.16
81 +5 Jordan 17.15
82 +8 Oman 16.67
83 +4 Peru 16.48
84 - Turkey 16.30
85 -2 Bangladesh 16.14
86 +3 Kenya 15.59
87 -7 Brunei 15.56
88 - Argentina 15.49
89 -4 Kyrgyzstan 15.41
90 +1 Greece 14.89
91 +3 Philippines 14.42
92 - Nepal 14.05
93 - Indonesia 13.38
94 +3 Dominican Republic 13.07
95 +1 Mauritius 12.56
96 +3 Albania 12.45
97 -2 Guatemala 12.04
98 - Maldives 12.04
99 +2 Cambodia 11.98
100 - Angola 11.52
101 +1 Colombia 11.35
102 +2 Azerbaijan 10.81
103 - Ethiopia 10.69
104 +2 Ecuador 10.39
105 - Iran 10.28
106 +1 Morocco 10.06
107 +1 Namibia 9.73
108 +6 Côte d'Ivoire 9.67
109 +2 Nigeria 9.53
110 -1 Laos 9.52
111 +5 Guyana 9.19
111 - Zimbabwe 9.19
113 -3 Palestine 8.71
114 +1 Belize 8.67
115 -3 Tanzania 8.39
116 -3 Costa Rica 8.28
117 - Iraq 7.87
118 +2 Uganda 7.69
119 - Paraguay 7.66
120 +1 Syria 7.12
121 -3 Republic of the Union of Myanmar 6.97
122 - Tunisia 6.90
123 +4 Honduras 6.45
124 -1 El Salvador 6.33
125 - Nicaragua 6.25
126 -2 Pakistan 6.13
127 +1 Uzbekistan 5.81
128 +1 Bolivia 5.71
129 +1 Egypt 5.32
130 +1 Lebanon 4.50
131 +2 Venezuela 3.92
132 +2 Libya 3.84
133 -1 Algeria 3.76

Results are updated at the beginning of the month for the previous month. To be ranked in each category, countries must have at least 670 unique user results for mobile and at least 3,333 for fixed broadband.

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