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DW The 77 Percent (Themenheader english)
Watch video 01:03

The Big Issue

Obstacles for tech start-ups in Cameroon

In Cameroon, "internet refugees" have to travel within their own country just to log on. The government has cut off access to its Anglophone region. 

Meet African Change Makers

Watch video 03:49

More videos

New comic books feature African superheroes

Ethiopia: Heroines fighting for gender equality

Cameroon's Silicon Valley helping the jobless

Protagonisten Africa on the move

Fanta Diallo: Role model for young Senegalese

77 percent of Africans are younger than 35. Those 77 percent can shape the continent’s future. We join African youths as they share their stories, their dreams and their challenges. Are you part of the 77 percent? Come and join the debate!

Watch video 04:18

What Else? Episode Four - African Heroes  

More videos

What Else? Episode Four - African Heroes

What Else Episode Three - How to make money with music

What Else? Episode Two - Internet Censorship

What Else? Episode One - Job Search

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Listen to audio 19:59

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Afrikanischer Teenager mit Smartphone (picture-alliance/Bildagentur-online/Tetra-Images)

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